I bought a recurve last year, swearing off compounds for good! I got tired of all the marketing hype and knowing that in 5 years 330fps will probably be on the slow end of speed bows. So I thought to myself "I'm going to go the simple route, and get back to traditional archery".
Fast forward a few months and I find myself in the woods, on the ground probably 20 yards from a deer I later name the "Fortunate one". I draw, aim and release just as I'd done all summer long. I watched in complete disbelief as my arrow, flying true towards this deers vitals makes a sudden 90 degree nose dive right into the dirt about 5 yds in front of the deer. He runs little ways, snorts, looks around and wanders off! I swore, snuck out of the woods and came back the next day with my Hoyt compound.
Lessons learned? ALWAYS make sure your broadheads are properly tuned. That and try to find a compromise between the heaviest arrow your bow will shoot and something a little faster. I can't wait to try again next year though.