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Any luck with scents?

Chalupa Batman

New Member
Ive been out everyday for the last 3 days and had hs buck and doe estrus out and a drag line, with no intrest to the deer. I even had a buck walk right by the estrus drag I had hanging on a scrape. Tonight I tried hs 2 hot does on a drag but the only activity was the opposite direction....anyone had any luck with scents recently
I've tried scents off and on for years and can't say it's been successful but can't say it's hurt either. I just like to try different things see if deer react at all.

Decoys on the other hand seem to be easier to see if they work or not. Some deer get scared while others are really curious and I have yet to understand why. Just keep experimenting.
To me best scent is the real thing,,,,Does! Keep does around with food plots or fruit trees. A live doe makes the best scent.
I'm just using evercalm this year, mostly just to help as a cover scent. Have watched a couple does and young bucks sniff at brush/trees I've put it on. Have tried other buck and doe urine scents in the past, and not really sure they helped much. I have watched several deer walk right by scent wicks, even some hanging pretty much in their face. Did see a young buck put his nose to the ground when using Tinks 69 one year. I think I see just as much activity with the evercalm or nothing as I did with scent wicks and drag lines. Haven't ever tried any of the aerosol products, like Buck Bomb.
I think you are wasting time and money on scent. There is no tricking a whitetails nose. Stay as scent free as possible and play the wind. I think if a mature buck winds the fake stuff he will just stay away and most likely you never even saw him.
I think you are wasting time and money on scent. There is no tricking a whitetails nose. Stay as scent free as possible and play the wind. I think if a mature buck winds the fake stuff he will just stay away and most likely you never even saw him.

I think you are right. I bought a brand new bottle of code blue doe estorus gel and I think it almost seems like ammonia. I have never really had a dominant buck that I can say pick up on them at all.
On that note I am very dissapointed lakoskys are associated with tinks. I have a problem with people advocating for a product they don't use and I guarentee you if you stepped foot on lee's farm with scent it would be a quick visit. Sorry for the rant
Here is the best advise I have for all the hunting scent's, decoys and all the other gimics the "pro" hunters peddle.

1st, all the afore mentioned probably works sometimes. I've tried most scent's and had some limited success with some and none with others. Most of the time when a deer, almost always a doe, get's a whiff of what ever I used the typical response was high alert and then I'm outa here. Then I took some good advice from a hunter I greatly respect. He said throw all that crap away and pay all your attention to the wind and put yourself in a stand where the wind is in your favor. You'll never fool a deers nose. Ever since I heeded that advice my deer in bow range hunts went way up.

Have fun and hunt..................
Using scents cost me a realluy nice buck this weekend. He was locked in coming into my rattle/grunt calls on a steady walk. Wind was quatering right to left towards me He was waliking with the wind at his back quartering towards me. Drew my bow when he was 20 yards behind a tree. Kept coming and was going to give me an easy 15yard broadside shot. he hit the breaks when he was downwind of the scent drag I hung in a bush. I couldn't shoot because he was behind a small tree, only needed 5 more feet. He sat there for about 10 seconds testing the wind and then started backing up and then whirled and ran, never got a shot and he didn't smell me.
Only scent I've ever had success with is Maniac 150 (Roger Ragling's). It has interdigital gland in it with doe urine. It seems to calm deer and bucks are very attracted to in the the rut. I've shot two bucks in Iowa on a dragline, followed it all the way to where I hung it up.

I think most of the time no scent is the best idea. When they are cruising good Maniac 150 drug through some scrapes can really work.... just my two scents...
Thanks for the input I was starting to think the same this year after having severeal bucks catch wind of something they didnt like before ever getting in range. I went crazy to be scent free and have had a couple deer hang out right below the stand or right around me so I didnt think it was me and narrowed it down to having scents out. I did have one buck seem to inch his way in one night I had buck urine/tarsal gland out while rattling, he did seem VERY cautious though, took him almost an hr to go 30 yds
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