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Any suggestions


Active Member
The previous owner of my ground had money allocated to repair a dike in the wetlands part of my property. He never had the dike repaired and the money that was allocated is now not enough to do the job correctly, we are now going to redo the whole wetland and the money that was set aside for the dike repair was switched and allocated to plant native grass and trees. Here is my question for hard mast trees I'am planting 3 gallon potted white oak, swamp white oak,pin oak, bur oak, black oak, shingle oak, red oak, shagbark hickory, shellbark hickory, northern pecan and walnut do any of you have anything else to suggest or which tree should I plant more than others? I'm also getting a bunch of red cedar to create a cedar thicket for bedding and thick cover.
Thanks, Jeremy
Sounds like you are on the right track! I think Pin Oaks produce a little quicker and whites most likely won't produce mast in your lifetime.
Check out Oikos Tree Crops for more info. They carry many hybrid oaks that will produce acorns much sooner but unlike my Sawtooths, they are pretty much all native species. I've been very happy with anything I've bought from them. If nothing else you may glean a little more info. as far as what to plant the most of.
I have planted thousands of seedlings over the years and my only regret is that I didn't plant more Red Cedars. They are a deer magnet and they don't massacre them like the spruces.

I planted some 24" swamp white oaks from the soil conservation office in 1998 and they had acorns in 2004. So I know they will produce quickly. Your 3glln ones should produce some acorns even sooner.
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