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Anybody done a DIY Montana Antelope hunt??


New Member
Has anyone been to Montana for a DIY antelope hunt? Thinking about putting in for a late season tag this fall. We went to eastern Montana a couple years back but for bird hunting not antelope. Saw abunch while there though. Looking for any information if anybody has been. Zone to put in for with good populations and good chance for draw. We will be rifle hunting. Not looking for record antelope just good numbers.
Not Montana, but a friend and I did one in northwestern South Dakota on walk in land several years ago. Lots of people to contend with, but lots of goats too and we tagged out on the third day of the hunt. Had a topper on the Ford I was driving at the time and the back never smelled the same after hauling those dudes home :D Good luck :way:

Thanks for the info. Im a little concerned about the population up in eeastern Montana and western SD. That's why im asking. I have heard both good and bad things. Really dont want to drive 17-18 hours and not see any. lol
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