Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Anybody else got this problem?

DON'T poison those things. They are not doing anything wrong. Stick out mineral instead- problem solved.
If they were breaking in your house or something, maybe different story.
Just get some traps and a trapping license. If they're hitting that corn like that, I don't think you'd have a problem trapping one or most of them. Those little boogers don't bother me at all when deer season is here, but they do love to raid turkey nests in the spring, which makes me :mad:.
Sorry Shredder, I didn't realize it was a joke. I have known a lot of folks who would really do something like that. My neighbor put out some Anti-freeze one time and thought it was pretty funny. Glad you were kidding, hope no one else would do that. :)
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