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Anybody else...


UL Shelter/Stove Geek
Have to paint a huge 2 story this summer?? We are restoring our 6 bedroom house to its' original inside condition and turning the outside into a 3 colored victorian home complete with gingerbread in the peaks. She is half scraped. It really sucks but no way could I get my money out of siding and my wife wants the house painted. I even have a huge barn on my property that I have to paint. I would rather ride my bike!!!!!!!!!!

Even has a 2nd floor sundeck.
Hate to say it but you are WAISTING your money painting it !! The labor that it takes to strip it down will kill YA!! I was a PRO for 15 years and hated to side my very own house. If you need advice p.m. ME. But i understand your wife's love of a tri - color Victorian house. But the END result will be VERY costly, more than siding !!
That's funny. My parents house just got done. It is a 2 story Victorian built around 1895, 4" cedar siding, 3 colors too. Dad is in Iraq & Mom isn't exactly excited to get up on a ladder. So she hired the main part of the house painted. We had to do all 3 porches & all the fancy gingerbread trim & spindles. It took Mom, my aunt, my uncle & I three days to paint those porches. The house looks so much better. The trim in your pictures looks fairly simple - you will be proud of it when you're done. And your wife will probably let ya ride the wheels off your bike when you're done
Hey now babe, Don't blame the painting on me..And you know, I will be helping you the whole time. And as far as that goes, I would rather be riding the bike with you as well.
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