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Anybody have photoshop skills?


PMA Member
I have a harvest photo with the tongue hanging out and was wondering if it is possible to remove it via photoshop.
Limbchicken has done some photoshopping for me before and it was awesome work!

LimbChicken did some photo work for me once also. He saved my pic and my butt especially after all the complaining that I have done in the past re; Harvest Photos. :D:D:D
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I have mad photoshop skillz, seen that pic of Thomas an the world record cheeseburger?
I have mad photoshop skillz, seen that pic of Thomas an the world record cheeseburger?
I always cut the tongue off when I get the deer prior to pictures. Hate that thing hanging out.

A guy I work with is darn good with Photoshop, actually uses a different program to do that and looks pretty damn good. Does all our PIM exhibits and has to match photo together so he is messing with that stuff all the time.
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