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Anybody using the Scoutguard 580 with ..


Active Member
the Go Phone setup? Just wondering if this thing really works as intended or is it in need of more time before they have this camera working.

I saw it at the Deer Clasic and like everything about it. Took reall good pictures. Just not sure on the transfer of pictures to your phone or computer.
the Go Phone setup? Just wondering if this thing really works as intended or is it in need of more time before they have this camera working.

I saw it at the Deer Clasic and like everything about it. Took reall good pictures. Just not sure on the transfer of pictures to your phone or computer.

Anyone? I'm very interested in this. Sends pictures to your email (as a text) Scoutguard 580M, dbltree has more details. Please fill in info if anyone knows about this!!!! $329 is what the price seems to be. THOUGHTS????
They told me to buy a Wal-Mart TracPhone and pay $10 bucks a month for unlimited texting and it can send to multiple phones and puters. You just take the card from the phone and insert it into the cam, pictures come automatically if I understood correctly.

Batteries last 160 days I think he said...:way:
I cant find where you can get unlimited texting for $10? It looks to me it would cost $30 a month for a 1000 texts or $45 for unlimited. Does anyone know how you would do multiple cameras with these? Would you need multiple plans or could you bundle them all under one? The way I see it, you would need a SIM card for each camera, I dont know if your current provider would sell you one to tie to your existing phone? Anyone know how these things work?

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