Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Are they edible?

were they on the ground or growing from a tree?

If they were on the ground did you hapin to notice if they were near and ash tree.

Don't eat any mushrooms unless you have a well seasoned shroomer identify them. Even then i have know people who know quite a bit about mushrooms eat mushrooms that were not good for them (Very hard on there liver)

As far as I know they are always on trees. I made it home and have been able to access some reference material. Here are a few quotes from The Mushroom Hunters Field Guide.

Edible and popular. The base of the cap where it merges with the stalk is tough and shoud b descarded.

Fruits abundantly in the spring and fall.

It should be on every collector's list of good species.

I see from some of my notes that I first tried them on May 3, 1976. Also found them on Sept. '77 and Oct. 19, 1978.

I've had the best luck later in the fall because they tend to be less buggy in cold weather.

Good eating and good hunting!
Old Buck
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