Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Are Things Good, Bad or Normal??

Would like to get as many responses as possible to the following questions:

1. Are your mature buck sightings or trail camera pictures of mature bucks about normal this year, above average or below average compared to the last few seasons?
2. Would you say your deer numbers overall are about normal, below average or above average?
3. Based on your deer herd assessments this year do you feel your chances of harvesting a mature buck are average, above average or below average?
4. What are your major concerns if any for this season?
I will start my own thread.
1. My mature buck sightings and trail camera pictures are significantly down this year compared to last year. In fact, I'm having difficulty even finding a 4 year old buck this year.
2. My deer numbers seem about average but my older buck numbers are way below average.
3. I feel my chances of harvesting a mature buck this year to be very low because I just don't think I have many if any mature bucks on my property this year :(
4. My main concern is EHD and a continued drought
1. My mature bucks on trailcams are way down however my trail cams haven't been cooperating this year.
2. I would say my deer numbers are about normal, usually deer start showing up about this time.
3. I would say my chances are average however since I have not shot a buck before first 120+ buck is getting an arrow
4. Time in the woods
1. Mature deer sightings are normal in my neck of the woods
2. Numbers are up for me as far as more deer by my cams
3. I would say average and possibly slightly above to havest one that I have on cam.
4. Limited time and other hunters
1- way below avg. oldest I've seen is 3.5yrs

2- #'s are avg, many 2 yr olds, plenty of doe/fawn

3- below avg on my farm but do have my uncles farm in my back pocket. I know it holds mature deer but so far all I've seen is one 150-160 4.5-5.5 yr old.

4- my one and only concern is not getting the hrs in the stand that I like.

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1. seems to be way down from last year when comparing Jul-Sep year to year.
2. numbers seem kinda down - more so from road observations rather than cam numbers.
3. based on #1, not feeling really optimistic heading into Oct.
4. no specific concerns (yet) but am really thinking this prolonged multi-year low precip can't be helping anything out there.
1. Mine are average. I have good mix of bucks running around. In all honesty, I may have more deer that are 5.5+ this year than last year.

2. Average. Good number of deer running around.

3. Average. I feel like I will have at least one opportunity at harvesting a mature buck.

4. Don't really have any. Going to hunt hard, have fun, and whatever happens, happens. Just ready to enjoy some time in the stand!
Would like to get as many responses as possible to the following questions:

1. Are your mature buck sightings or trail camera pictures of mature bucks about normal this year, above average or below average compared to the last few seasons?

I would put it at normal. On the farm, I on average will get pics of 5-6 mature bucks. Even after having the top two shot from last year others have came in and a couple have certainly "grown up".

2. Would you say your deer numbers overall are about normal, below average or above average?

I would say normal in terms of the last 3 years or so. If going back like 5 years numbers are certainly down some, but have been steady the last 3 or so.

3. Based on your deer herd assessments this year do you feel your chances of harvesting a mature buck are average, above average or below average?

I would say average. With my work schedule and being unable this year to get in some plots that got destroyed with the drought not really sure what to expect. Last year I had only one encounter with an actual mature deer. The year before I had two. I have been very selective though, and I have not shot a buck since 2010. So, hopefully this year I connect. Again, I have had chances the last two. 2012, never got a clear shot came in behind me. In 2011, I let a 4 year old walk at 5 yards.

4. What are your major concerns if any for this season?

I just wasn't able to get in the late season foodplots like I would have liked. I am banking on getting it done during the rut. Our farm will be a great rut farm, lots of cover, but certainly lacking in food (every neighboring farm is large Ag.).
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1. Are your mature buck sightings or trail camera pictures of mature bucks about normal this year, above average or below average compared to the last few seasons?
WAY DOWN, EHD and too many hunting seasons the last few years

2. Would you say your deer numbers overall are about normal, below average or above average?
WAY DOWN, same as above

3. Based on your deer herd assessments this year do you feel your chances of harvesting a mature buck are average, above average or below average?
WAY DOWN, but killing a mature buck is not my main goal

4. What are your major concerns if any for this season?
EHD again, too many tags/seasons

see above.....
1. Average when looking at the past 3 years but down from last year.

2. Average

3. Little above average..... Maybe.... I hope

4. Going to hunt hard, I always want more time in the stand but that dang day job.

I have a question in regards to question 1. Anyone thinking that the 2012 numbers might end up being the five year high for shooter bucks, (trail cams & sightings)?
Reason I ask is, remember back to what March 2012 was like, 60s and 70s, one of the warmest on record. (no snow pack most of the winter) Bucks should have come into the 2012 spring with above average energy levels to devote to antler growth. (clearly EHD hit some areas harder than others in 2012 I didn't see much of it up here in my area) This spring in NE Iowa we had a snow storm in May, and relative to 2012, 2013’s late winter and spring was much harder on deer. I have talked with many hunters and die hard trail cam-ers up here. Many make the same comment that “they are seeing far less bucks over 150 then they saw in 2012.” I’ll use myself as an example I have yet to get a buck on trail cam that goes over 150. Now don't get me wrong just b/c you don't see them or get them on your cam doesn't mean they aren’t there. Some of the sheds found prove bigger buck made it through last season.
To everyone out there best of luck this season and hunt safe.
1) above average- I would say I am seeing more than double the average number of mature bucks

2) Deer numbers are right where they normally are- getting about 1,000 photos a week on my cameras- plenty of mature and young deer

3)above average on getting a mature deer

1. A little below my expectations for 5.5 year olds. I see a bunch of 3.5's and younger on my cams than usual.

2. Numbers are average according to trail cams.

3. I always stay optimistic that I will get 1 or 2 opportunities each season for a mature buck.

4. Limited time in the stand due to work. EHD. An ever increasing amount of hunters on surrounding properties.
1. Are your mature buck sightings or trail camera pictures of mature bucks about normal this year, above average or below average compared to the last few seasons?

Fewer...couple weeks later in getting cams out tho and fewer plots.

2. Would you say your deer numbers overall are about normal, below average or above average?

Probably about average based on cams and road sightings.

3. Based on your deer herd assessments this year do you feel your chances of harvesting a mature buck are average, above average or below average?

Average, never know what will show up and when. Just because you don't see them now doesn't mean they won't be there late Oct-Nov.

4. What are your major concerns if any for this season?

Poachers (always), reduced draw to the property due to reduced food supply, reduced time to be in the stand.
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