I suck at math. I can come up with a different answer for 2+2 5 out of 6 times.
I thought about watering my plots last year. I figure my well is supposed to put out 5 gallons/min and it would take me roughly 100 hours to pump enough water for 1”/acre. Then I add the confounding variables of distance from the well to the spigot and length of hose from spigot to sprinkler and add the difference in diameter of the pipes in the ground and the hose to the sprinkler, the hill the water has to go up, the resistance of the sprinkler, the relative humidity of the air, is my wife taking a shower, washing clothes running the dish washer etc etc. I not only had a simple math problem but one with physics and relationship issues too.
So what did I do? I elected not to burn out my pump or run the well dry. Better my plots don’t grow than me with a wife who can’t wash her hair. The wildlife will survive, I may not.