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I am curious, what do you guys think the strongest arrow out there is. Right now, I am currently shooting just a cabelas brand arrow. They shoot great, just seems like I break several arrows a year deer hunting. I shot 2 does and broke 2 arrows...I shot a coyote and my buck this year with the same arrow which seems to be a first in awhile. I just am wanting a stronger arrow so hopefully I am not replacing them as often. Also, is it bad to have a stronger spine? I always look at going the next one up just to be safe as I had an arrow shatter and get me in the forearm one year. Not sure if the arrow had a crack or if it was a spine issue, but now just want to be sure. Any help would be great..I am willing to spend a good amount of money on a good set of arrows, because I feel like I replace just as many..
I have always shot the Beman ICS hunter 340's. I've always have had good luck with them. I did break an arrow last year when I shot my buck quartering towards me. Went through the vitals and hit the back leg bone and then bounced back into the rib cage and broke. But the deer before I hit an opposite side shoulder and the arrow is still perfect. I think any arrow you use will have the occasional break, but I really like my Bemans. Make sure you use an appropriate arrow for your draw weight. A shattered carbon arrow while shooting can be extremely dangerous.
One thing you want to stay away from with carbon arrows a ones that were manufactured witj a ptocess called pultrusion. Basically, a piece of carbon is pulled through a dye to create an arrow. What happens is that the carbon fibers all end up laying the same way and becoming easy to break. I cant really tell you which companies use this method because i dont know, however, i do know that the Muddy Bloodsports arent made this way. Bloodsports are made with a wrapped carbon which gives you a bunch of adhesive layers. Basically, the fibers all cross eachother creating a stronger bond. Pultrusion process arrows are low cost, have inconsistent weight, are weaker, and have poor deflection ratings. If you do go with the bloodsports, such as the HT1, make sure you get the API outserts because they protect the end of the shaft from cracking or splitting
Gold tips have been good to me over the years. I rarely ever break an arrow. I will lose them before I break them. Lots of good choices out there.
I've always used Gold Tips and never had a problem. I went from Pro Hunters to the Kinetics this year and so far so good.
GOLD TIP Xt Hunters, Or Expedition hunters. I like the .002 straighteness of Xt Hunters! But cant go wrong with Expeditions for the price!
I use the PSE arrows and have never broken one. If I went new, the muddy's would be on top of the list to try.
I too use the Beman ICS Hunter 340's. I had one break off because the deer ran close by a tree and snapped it off. This day in age, arrows shouldn't be breaking during shots or when shooting animals, besides some of the weird bone hits. That said, you should always inspect your arrows. I've damaged several while practicing. You can usually hear when they hit another arrow so that's usually what tips me off and tells me to inspect my arrows.
I've had good luck with my Easton Epic N-Fused in both 400 and 340 spine. The only ones I've broken were an occasional tree or rock shot on a missed target (only 2-3 arrows) and once when I was trying to let down after drawing on a muley and I hit the release and shot the rocky ground 10 feet in front of me.
Shooting gold tips now and have nothing but good things to say about them.......so far (not made a shot at a deer), that being said I was shooting eastons and I smoked one off the side of a tree it ricocheted and hit another (sounded kinda like a gun went off) and I thoroughly inspected the arrow and it was fine other than a little tear on the vane......pretty impressed really.
I was shooting eastons and I smoked one off the side of a tree it ricocheted and hit another (sounded kinda like a gun went off) and I thoroughly inspected the arrow and it was fine other than a little tear on the vane......pretty impressed really.

That's what the vast majority of mine have been (except that one I shot at my feet :thrwrck:)
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