Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Thanks for the advice Old Buck. I just had the insurance values of my prints updated last month at KP Gallery. It's tough to keep up with some of them.

If I'm not mistaken, the buck over the scrape in November Frost has 21 points.
To give him 7 more points and more mass, he must have been a brute

Is it possible to find a picture of this buck taken by Sam Townsend?
Yes, it was an incredible buck. I don't remember any published photos. We're right in the middle of moving the gallery. If I every get caught up I'll try to go through my files and post a photo.

Old Buck
Larry, you going to show any originals at the Iowa Deer Classic? I remember last year you didn't have any, so I was just wondering if you ever show your originals at shows.

Where is your new gallery going to be?

Space is at a premium (and very expensive) at shows so I seldom show originals (which I don't sell anyway). The new gallery will be a little NW of the old one, still in the SE part of Ankeny. The address is 641 S. Ankeny Blvd, Ankeny, Iowa.

The new gallery will have over twice the space of the old one so we will be able to put the originals back on display along with some whitetail heads, other mounts, skulls, skins, rugs, carvings, etc from Africa and lots of other interesting stuff for the outdoor type person. If you get to Ankeny stop by, and look around! Just be advised, it will be a work in progress for some time.

Old Buck
I have been to your old gallery once, and was blown away. I really wanted to see originals, so your wife took me into the back room to see a couple of them. AWESOME! I love seeing originals.

Will your new gallery be open the weekend of the classic?
Thanks for the compliment. I'm the same way. I love to look at originals. I doubt we'll be open the weekend of the classic because we'll all be down there. Any other time you come through let me know. We'll have lots of originals on display and I'd love to share them with you. In the mean time the new giclee canvases come real close the impact of an original and we will have several on display at the classic.

Good luck, good hunting and good painting!
Old Buck
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