Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Assuming you have the power in 2024...

I find the comments very interesting. I like those thinking out of the box. I haven’t considered many of the thoughts being expressed.
Did you even read or contemplate the responses or did you just come back with your pre planned comment/ opinion? The crp program is not about creating hunting paradises even if that's what many end users are doing. Most CRP acres would go away along with all the intended benefits of the program.
Preemptively contemplating the responses was pretty easy, and accurate. Yes, I know what the 'intention' of CRP type programs is/are. What I 'witness' is something else. (In fact, I feel it's almost promoted here.)

As for landowners being sued for liability, I believe that only applies if they charge someone to access their land, (but I could be mistaken). And it is a great idea for landowners to allow public access to their hunting / fishing land, but this is on a voluntary basis, and these are few and far between.

I didn't have this view 20 - 30 years ago. My opinion evolved as big buck mania swept through the Midwest, causing the extreme shift away from easily obtained free access to private hunting / fishing property, to 'go pound sand'. Heartbreaking to say the least. I've personally fallen out of love with deer hunting for mainly this reason, where I had been a strong lifelong advocate.
If land owners are taking tax $ to make a hunting / fishing paradice for themselves, on their own private property, then said private property should be available for public use to fellow tax payers.

If ya'll can buy tens or hundreds of acres, but take tax $ to create your own private play area, that just ain't right.

Just sayin.
That is fine , but you’d lose at least half the acres in sign up. So it would end the program . A few non hunters might sign up, and some out west guys that have big open CRP farms .. they do sign up for walk in programs .
That’s not why crp exists. The fsa, a govt agency, encourages landowners through payment to save habitat. Improved hunting is a by product of the program not the intent. The dept of agriculture and the fsa are responsible for the program. If they deem it’s abused they should end it.

25 years ago Illinois had a program, maybe it still exists, where landowners who allowed hunting registered with the dnr. You could view the list, available weeks and apply to hunt a farm. There was a fee but it was minimal compared to outfitting. I hunted a farm for one week two years in a row. Had a blast. Maybe Iowa could develop a similar program???
Iowa has a voluntary program such as this. There is not a reservation system though. I think it is called IHAP. There are some good pheasant properties in story county (Ames) under the program.
I’m sorry I can’t stand some of this. Let’s just keep Iowa great. We have great regulations and mangement! Let’s just keep it that way! Turning Iowa into a one buck state is no different than any other hunting “participation trophy/ easy button” people would like handed out (crossbows, rifles, non res landowner tags etc.). It is the same story. I can’t shoot a big buck (old/mature, high scoring, etc.) because everybody else shoots all the young ones and all the neighbors are screwing up everything for me by doing deer drives and party hunting and whatever else I don’t personally like. We have it good! Let’s just be happy! There will be unintended consequences for all by trying to “improve” it for some.
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Just like the ISC poll - what is best for deer is likely not best for deer hunters and what is best for deer hunters is likely not best for deer.

1) Revert back to legal weapons from 10 years ago (no straight wall rifles, no smokeless muzzleloaders, no crossbows in the future)

2) Fully fund the DNR to allow them more time and resources for: acquire more public land, more COs/Rangers, more public and private lands biologists/techs, more habitat improvement on public lands - plots/prairie restoration/invasive species removal/FSI/ect.
Just like the ISC poll - what is best for deer is likely not best for deer hunters and what is best for deer hunters is likely not best for deer.

1) Revert back to legal weapons from 10 years ago (no straight wall rifles, no smokeless muzzleloaders, no crossbows in the future)

2) Fully fund the DNR to allow them more time and resources for: acquire more public land, more COs/Rangers, more public and private lands biologists/techs, more habitat improvement on public lands - plots/prairie restoration/invasive species removal/FSI/ect.
These are winning proposals
If land owners are taking tax $ to make a hunting / fishing paradice for themselves, on their own private property, then said private property should be available for public use to fellow tax payers.

If ya'll can buy tens or hundreds of acres, but take tax $ to create your own private play area, that just ain't right.

Just sayin.
There’s a guy from near Boone. He’s put in a ton of CRP and a few restored wetlands….its a gorgeous property! I stopped a few years ago and asked for permission to hunt. I was granted permission….for $50 a gun per day. Something about that didn’t sit right with me, I never went back.
What opened my eyes was pheasant hunting circa 1983. Had lots of permission on CRP, the next year it was alll leased by an “outfitter, That told me I needed to buy.

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There’s a guy from near Boone. He’s put in a ton of CRP and a few restored wetlands….its a gorgeous property! I stopped a few years ago and asked for permission to hunt. I was granted permission….for $50 a gun per day. Something about that didn’t sit right with me, I never went back.

Sometimes about the money.

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