Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

At least he's hunting....

Nice buck. Any gun wielding politician is a good politician for the fight we are in right now.
Cool he is hunting, however, when he hunts with the Drury's and is probably seeing 50 deer a night in one field, he's not going to have any sympathy when it comes to the antlerless tag quota for next year.
Love his hunt last year where he missed with a Muzzy at something like 60 yards. Unfortunately he won't have good first hand experience of what the actual deer population is like by hunting places like this. I should throw him in one of my stands to get a real picture. Like others have said, at least he's shooting and we have that going for us..
How many people have the green light to shoot a 3 1/2 year old on a Drury farm? ;)

Only those who have a say in the allotted Governors tags!!! :D
I'd like to put him in a couple places I hunt and see how successful he would be. He might instantly drop the doe tags.
I would rather have a governor that doesnt hunt rather than one who gets brainwashed one weekend a year.
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