My apologies to anyone I have offended if the kids have been traumatized. All in good clean fun as nothing I have posted isn't seen in higher quantity at the local shopping mall. I just wonder where it will stop? How about when the kids from daycare don't want to see blood? What will we do? It all needs to be viewed in perspective.
When you signed up as a member you read this:
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
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Well I find it just as defamatory that people suggest someone with a clothed female in their avatar is a porn junkie. I find it just as harassing and obscene that a vocal minority are able to express their values on others. We have alot of housecleaning to do if all are held to the same standard. There is an awful lot of posts joking with racial and ethnic slurs.
Anyway- I fixed at least one of the avatars in question.
You've exercised your voice and done your good deed.
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And I removed the one that started all of this holyer than thou talk. Maybe I'm an atheist and don't want to read your religous views and see your Jesus Freak avatars, ever think about that.
It's crap like this censorship that you are trying to do that makes me glad I'm an Independant and not a republican. I don't think my current avatar is that bad but if you say so I guess it must be cuz you are much more inlightened than I and have many more morals. Maybe not that many as I'm sure you still let your kids watch TV and listen to the radio.