Update #11: Pic HEAVY, Including a MONSTER and Hard Bone!
Obviously, I didn't get a chance to sit down last night and update my journal, so you all had the weekend to build the anticipation from Friday morning's quick blurb!

I aslo set up a photobucket account to upload pictures from when I realized my albums on IW were full and I had to delete pics from other albums to get my elk pics uploaded. Hopefully, this will work since I've never used Photobucket.
My son and I dropped off my daughter at school Friday morning and went out to swap cards after letting them sit for 2 weeks this time. After the last couple of card pulls, I didn't really have high expectations, but was at least hoping for a pic or two of hard bone. My first mineral lick cam had almost 200 pics in two weeks, so that was a good sign. I couldn't get my remote to work (you have to hold it just right) on my other (canyon bench) camera, so I had no idea how many pics I had on it until we got home. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with my canyon bench camera. There were a couple of dozen pics of 3 or 4 different bulls (mostly young). Nothing spectacular, compared to what I've seen in my unit, but it was still good to see bulls moving through the area, which was my main purpose in placing that camera where I did.
This decent 5x6 showed up in both cam locations, which tells me where the bulls are moving to/from and its where I suspected. He had this young raghorn with him here, but not at the mineral lick cam.
One of those two, decided to check out my camera.
There was also this young raghorn 5x5, but he definitely needs some more time
There was also this little guy who showed up here and at the other mineral lick a few days prior. I told my son I was naming this guy Jacob because he's got a goofy rack right now, but will grow up to be a great bull in a few years. He thought that was cool and couldn't wait to tell his big sister after school!
Back over at the mineral lick cam, I had some decent bulls, some small bulls, an idiot (staring at my cam), several mule deer does, a couple of giants, and a coupple of bulls just shedding velvet!
Jacob and the 5x6 from the other cam:
Couple of decent 6x6s
This guy has a cool right brow.
From here, it just got better! This giant 6x6 showed up and I'm pretty sure its "Fours", although I have to compare him to another one "Hippy" to be sure. This was the first pic of him in the series, just hanging back. He's HUGE!
Then he came in a bit closer, but another guy stepped in front. Look at how his royals sweep back!
From there, my heart just started pounding out of my chest. I've seen pics of whale tails and know a few guys who have connected with bulls sporting them, but to see one in my unit, on my camera got my blood racing! I'm calling this guy Moby. He's a true 7x6 with a whale tail on top of both sides. He and Fours were together in just about every pic. Check out their body size compared to some of the previous bulls. These are two mature old bulls, for sure. If they are not herd bulls, I'd be surprised. There is no way they are satellite bulls. If they are, I really want to see the herd bulls! After the initial excitement, i started second guessing myself on just how big he is. I got hung up on how small his right fourth is compard to his other side and compared to Fours standing next to him. Then I realized that his "fourth" is the extra tine and it shouldn't be that big, anyway. When I looked at him as a mainframe 6x6, he's HUGE and, as I pointed out to my daughter, his mass at the whale tail is bigger around than a softball! I'm just going to post the entire series of pics without cany further ommentary so enjoy.
I finally got some hard bone pics, as well. They were from small bulls, but its still hard bone, which is a good sign!
Here's one of the bulls, using the log to knock his velvet off.
On our way out Friday, this muley doe obliged us by staying put as I drove past her, stopping 50 yards beyond and then backing up to take this pic with my good camera with the zoom lens.
I CANNOT wait for Sept 14 to get here! Our early archery deer season opens up this Friday and I'll be out there Friday morning and probably Saturday afternoon doing some on the ground scouting. Unless I get a wild hair misplaced, or see a heartstopper of a velvet buck, I don't really have strong intentions to try and fill my archery deer tag. I want to use that time to see where the elk are moving and how they are behaving, including scouting the rest of the canyon where my 2nd camera is hanging. So far, the weather patterns seem to be lining up to have a decent rut and, therefore, good action early on in the season. In the past, warm temps have stunted the rut or caused it to start in earnest later in the early archery season, but favoring the early muzzleloader season, which is immediately after archery. Fingers are crossed! I'm sure I'll pull the cards on both cams again Friday morning since I will be out there. Stay tuned for more frequent updates beginning next week. I'm also going to be taking my good camera with me, so, hopefully, I will get some good live action bull pics!
Stay tuned and thanks, again for following along! Its almost time!! :way: