Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

BAD BAD BAD What would have you done differently..



Ok well i went out for second season shot gun tonight for a bit and i had my sis new to hunting, her bf, and my buddy nick. so we all were hunting my land and the public it butts up to. so i drop off my buddy at the public entrance to push back to my land. and to the other side of my property is a peice of private that is land locked which no one is soposed to hunt. but everyone and their brother use it as public land.... and she ask me and my father to watch over it and if we to see anyone on there to get their name and stuff. well back to tonight i gave sis and her bf my gun 12ga with no slugs and my sis had hers a 20ga and they dropped my gun off along the fence and private as they were headed to where they were sitting and i walkesd though this laide land looking for ppl cuz theirs allways someone in there so i start in there and find a guy -- my neibor so i call the lady that owned let her know who was on it then proceded to my gun in the public. and i get to it and my buddy is bout 300 yards already past me to the south and im sitting there and two does come running down so i shoot 3 times at them and missed the buck. and they ran straight to my sister. and she missed but i knew there was a guy hunting private way up north of me like 1000 yards. and the does were south west of me and he said i came with in inches of hitting him wiht 5 slugs and i only fired 3 shots and so i we got done hunting and got to the truck and i get ready to pull out of the farm drive and this truck is sitting in my drive way waiting for me and he get out and says if he see me tresspassing again and i shot at him hes gunna put a bullet in my head. and i told him i only shot
3 times and i shot to the sotuh west and he was north of em and he told me to remember his face and his attatude cuz hes gunna put a bullet in my head next time he seen me.......
i was on public how can i be tresspassing.....
If you know who he is then call the Sheriff and file a report that he threatened to shoot you.
Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

Wait until you see his pickup, write down the license, and do the same as what G6 said if you cannot identify him. Then maybe take a typing/spelling class.
Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

Then maybe take a typing/spelling class.

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Ouch! Muddy that zinger kind of hurts (from laughing so much)
Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

yyeaaahhh obvisouly i didnt feel like putting in any puncuation. oh well it happens. yea i dont know his name but ive seen him and talk to him before, im sure ill run into him again. hes the guy who keeps stealing, riding his atv on my land. oh well i know his truck big red dodge ramm 2500 old style. i was just in so much shock that he said he was gunna put a bullet in my head. i didnt know what to do..
Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

I would get his plate number and turn him in. He has no right to act like that or threaten you. All he is doing is giving hunters bad names!
Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

I'd have just called the sheriff right then and let the guy tell his story to them. Some poeple just need their a$$es kicked. If he's threatening to shoot you he's probably not tough enough to take care of you any other way.
Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

Then maybe take a typing/spelling class.

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Ouch! Muddy that zinger kind of hurts (from laughing so much)

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Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

yyeaaahhh obvisouly i didnt feel like putting in any puncuation. oh well it happens. yea i dont know his name but ive seen him and talk to him before, im sure ill run into him again. hes the guy who keeps stealing, riding his atv on my land. oh well i know his truck big red dodge ramm 2500 old style. i was just in so much shock that he said he was gunna put a bullet in my head. i didnt know what to do..

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You spelled punctuation wrong...now that's funny.
Huh? What? I've tried three times and still cannot figure out what he's trying to say. All I got what his sister's bf shot a deer in the head three times on public land.

Can someone please translate for us South Dakota dudes as we don't speak Iowanese!

All kidding aside you need to contact your sheriff as the others have said.
well lets ee i go to ballard jr. sr high that sums up my spelling and how i talk im from boone county........
Ya know, it's bad enough that us "Non-Rezers" feel like were on the outside looking in. Now your gonna start speaking your own language! Well I am not gonna stand for it..... I just ordered my copy of "Iowanese For Dummies".

All kiding aside. I would never take a threat like that lightly! You should report the incident to your local law enforcement.

Cripes, they taught typing when I went to school back in the 70's. We used to fight over the new fangled electric typewriter instead of the manual. You were trained on computers and really shouldn't have an excuse. Jeesh, man, put forth a little effort
Holy crap, Boone County is in desperate need of some english teachers. That was one of the funniest reads ever.

That school reminds me of Larry the cable guy talking about Hank Williams Jr. High School.

Call the sheriff.
Alright guys, pretty funny stuff here, but cut the kid some slack. It ain't english class here.
I think he gets the point and you don't want to scare all the youngsters off.
Re: BAD BAD BAD What would have you done different

Then maybe take a typing/spelling class.

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It personally took me half an hour to read it! lol!!!

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