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Bad Boy Buggie


Does anyone here on the forums own one? What are your thoughts?

I have been bowhunting for almost 20 years. Never owned an atv. I like to get way back on the properties i hunt. Most of my stands are at least a half mile walk, usually more. Checking my trailcams take 4 to 5 hours to walk.

Now that i'm starting to get some age under my belt i am considering a Bad Boy Buggie. No gas powered engines here. I don't want to alert every deer in the woods that i am coming, or wreak like gasoline.

I want to know if they are worth their pricetag. They look to be over 8k new. By looking on ebay you very seldom ever see a used one for sale. That says a little something. I did happen to see a thread on another site about people having problems with them. I would assume thats not the norm. If it would need repairs it has to go back to the place of purchase for repairs. Not real good, but it's hard to find a factory mechanic that does house calls.

Looks like it will be a while before i could afford one, just want to know if they are worth it.
Not really answering your question but I got a Honda foreman and love it. I don't think it really spooks deer I drive mine in the timber quite a bit and the boy does to. This spring I spent a couple hours dragging my make shift disc (a log with notches cut in it) and as I was packing up at last light I had a doe walk in where I just got done and the honda was still running. It was only about a 30 yards squared plot. She was about 20yards from me and the honda. The timber is only 15 acres and I've gotten my best trail cam pic this year. As far as bucks usually all I've gotten the last couple years are does, fawns and 1 1/2 year olds.
Doesn't answer your question but if you want to save some money buy a Honda. I havent seen what the bad boys will do as far as off road but I can go through anything on my Honda without a worry. I usually see them driving on trails and such.
I'm not able to directly answer your question either Iowabucks but I would add that IMO, regular old 4 wheelers don't seem to spook deer much from what I've noticed. They might slink off a little and stop and watch until the threat is passed but I don't think you're going to run even a mature buck off the ground with a gas 4 wheeler. Some of the best farms I hunt are cattle grounds with the farmer continually using his ATV to check them and the fence. Big bucks everywhere still.
I did alot of research on them because of my interest in a dealership. I had the rug pulled out from under me by the midwest distributer so I lost out on the deal. That being said, I think those things were made for hunting in the midwest. They're well built and the dual motors have alot of power. I think they can out pull and climb anything on the market right now if that kind of thing is important to you. They aren't very fast (25mph) but it's not that often you need or want a bunch of speed (unless your 18). The range BBB says is 28 miles but that is under ideal conditions. Good battery maintenance is important. I drove one for 2 hours pretty hard and it needed a charge at 20 miles. But on the other hand, 20 miles and 2 hours is alot of driving. If you were tent campingin the mountains and had to drive 10 miles of trails to get to your hunting they definetly would not be very good. You get there but probably not back. Biggest gripe I heard about them was the leaf spring suspension is pretty stiff. I would have thought BBB would have and independent suspension by now. At the time I was researching the things I called several dealers in TX since they had been in business the longest. They had very few breakdowns at that time. If I remember, most were minor problems but I didn't follow up with any of that stuff after I got hosed. Despite my bad experience with the distributer I really like the buggies.
Be careful of trying to brake while going down a hill too fast...... Right Jason???

I'm in the business of selling Utility vehicles (john deere gators)I've used them a bunch and never had a problem with it spooking deer. As a matter of fact , when I feed corn in the winter, I've had deer on my cameras 5 minutes after I've left.

You really need to check the BBB out as far as how they are made.
They are basically a golf cart.....they are great with their advertising and it sure sounds great.....At least with my gator I can throw a gas can in the back and not have to worry about getting back to my cabin.

Polaris, Kawasaki, Yamaha all make decent UV...My gators are just the right color!!!!!!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Polaris, Kawasaki, Yamaha all make decent UV...My gators are just the right color!!!!!! </div></div>

Uh huh... Cough, Kubota, cough... cough...
Get a mini truck and put some atv tires on it. Then you get all the comforts of a truck but with the size of the bad boy. This one doesn't have the aggressive tread tires on it cuz we use it on the cranberry marsh and don't want to tear things up. And you can get them for 5-6grand

The best thing about a Bad Boy Buggy is their Marketing.

If they gave me one and a pallet full of replacement batteries I would tell you how great they are.

Seriously, I do think they have their application.

They are just not "Utility" enough for me. For that kind of money I want haul firewood and rock, go anywhere with locking diff and 4 x 4 gas power, and drive 50 MPH if I feel like it.

As far as gas ATV's spooking deer, it depends on what the deer are used to. I run cams all the time on my Polaris Ranger and the deer view it as routine farm work.

If you just want to have a quiet 10 minute ride to your stand I think a BBB is for you.

Couple of other guys on here have Rangers too and they can't stop talking about how happy they are with them.

Oh and IowaBruce..... Camo Ranger or Gator Green...what is the right color? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Honda is also finally coming out with a two seater as well. They went back to there roots and called it BIG RED.

In a perfect world I would have a BBB and a honda/ranger.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">BIG RED </div></div>

Critter will love that one... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
I've only used one once, but if I was looking for something to use to access areas that I wanted to hunt, I'd be all over one. They ARE super quiet as long as all your gear is stowed properly, so getting in and getting out undetected is their strong point. Not sure about their longevity or durability though, that's something you'll probably have to go through on your own.
We have a Polaris Ranger and the deer don't seem to mind it. We use it for all the stuff that Ghost said and it is worth its weight in gold. I always wondered how the batteries lasted in the BBB after a good cold Iowa winter.

You're not serious about a Kubota are you?

Here's my thoughts on that....overweight, hydro that should be on a lawn tractor, piece o crap.

Oh, and I almost forgot....over priced.

Next time, I won't sugar coat it.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">over priced </div></div>

Your sellin a green paint job and talking to me about over priced... Now that is funny.
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