Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


I think two apple cores is the maximum allowed :)

Here's another thought....If a farmer has a little grain spillage in the field when harvesting......
Inadvertent grain spillage is not illegal to hunt near, purposefully spilling grain to hunt over is illegal. Fine line I know, but its all about your ethics.
Inadvertent grain spillage is not illegal to hunt near, purposefully spilling grain to hunt over is illegal. Fine line I know, but its all about your ethics.

I always got a smile out of, if you dump a 5 gallon bucket 100 yards from the apple tree (where they fell from the tree) and hunt over it, it is baiting. If you hunt by the apple tree, where all the apples are on the ground, it's legal.

If you dump a 5 gallon bucket of corn out in the edge of a picked corn field, its baiting. If the farmer spills 10 bushel on the ground from his auger cart, you can hunt by it.
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