Well-Known Member
I've only shot one deer with the Barnes Spitfire bullet. I was sitting on the ground and it was a buck at 5 yards, hit the shoulder on my side, slightly quartering to. 90 grains of BH209 and I didn't get a pass through. I watched him run towards a creek, never came up the far bank, so of course I had to drag him up a steep bank. The weather was -20°F and I quickly gutted him in the shed once home, proceeded to skin and quarter to get him in the house so that he didn't freeze solid (legs were already frozen above the knees, so starting to skin was a pain). Gut pile froze solid, then the raccoons got into it, so I never did find the bullet. I would have liked to see how it mushroomed and would have weighed it for retention. The lack of blood trail wasn't an issue since he went down in sight. They shot lights out in the T/C Impact, so I would use them if I decided to use that ML again.