Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

BBD in Wisconsin

Team Haastyle

Host of Haastyle Hunting
My Uncle shot this massive nine pointer on Sunday and finally recovered it this past Monday afternoon. They had seen this buck on more than 8 occasions but with no shots. He hasnt shot a decent buck since 1998 so I was very happy for him and plus he dropped it for us at Haastyle Hunting TV which is always a plus :way:. The buck ended up grossing 157 inches and was just shy of 23 inches wide. Definitely proud of my uncle on this buck.



Did he have a drop tine on his left side?

As far as we know he never had a droptine on his left side. All the trail camera pictures we got of him he was just as straight nine. But now I see where you see that there was a possibility of a drop. When I get to hold the rack in person I will let you know.
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