PMA Member
Brady Buck Down that is. Well as happy as I was to harvest my first archery buck this year, this tops that by a long ways. It is however kind of bittersweet as you will see. As many of you know, my son Brady is a deer hunting, shed hunting, fishing fool. He got his first deer permit last year and did not harvest a deer. This year he was more determined to get one. Him and I hunted hard last weekend but did not have any deer come into range. During the week we only had an hour or so before school each morning. We just sat in the pickup next to a standing corn field over looking a brushy drawn and about 15 acres of trees. We saw deer but only a button buck came into Brady's range and he said he did not want to shoot him.
This weekend arrived and so did the nice weather. This meant that I was very busy at work delivering anhydrous ammonia and would not have very much time at all to take him out. My nephew said he would take him Saturday morning and a couple of good friends said they could go with him on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. So Friday night he stayed at Grandma's and went with his cousin Josh. They set up watching a heavy fenceline along a CRP field. Soon 6 does came out and Brady took a shot at one. It dropped in its tracks. They walked up to it and got within about 15 feet and it got up and ran into some thickets. They left it and came back an hour or so later and tracked it to the neighbors trees but he was hunting with family in there and they did not want to mess it up for them. Josh later went there and looked but could not find the doe. Brady called me on the phone and told me about it. I could tell he was really bummed about it but I told him too keep his head up that he had the other guys taking him the rest of the weekend. Well mom got him all packed and on his way with the other guys to hunt at the river house for the weekend. He was pretty pumped up for this because this is a great hunting area. They got there and went out right away. They spotted some deer running into a pocket of trees. They set Brady in a popup blind that they had set up near by and walked out the trees to Brady. A doe came out and Brady missed her. A few more came out with a small buck trailing. Brady took a shot at him. One of the other guys said they could hear the "thwack" and thought he hit him. They told me that they walked up to Brady and he said he thought he missed again and was really bummed out. They asked him where it went and one of the guys went and looked. He had hit it and it was laying in the wheat field dead. He came back and told Brady the and I guess Brady turned as white as a sheet. He said he could not believe it. I guess there was kind of a mini celebration over Brady's first deer. One of the guys called me and told me Brady had his deer and gave him the phone to talk to me. It was kinda funny because I could not tell who was more excited Brady or the other guys. I told him I was proud of him and now he had get it loaded up. They helped him field dress it and took some pictures. After I hung up I was kind of bummed out myself that I was not with him to be able to share his first deer. I still am kinda bummed about it after 2 days but I am proud and happy as hell about it. I am very happy that if I could not be there for it, that he was with the group of guys that he was with. They are all great friends and I appriciate what they did so much. Sorry for being so long winded but right now I am one proud dad!!
This weekend arrived and so did the nice weather. This meant that I was very busy at work delivering anhydrous ammonia and would not have very much time at all to take him out. My nephew said he would take him Saturday morning and a couple of good friends said they could go with him on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. So Friday night he stayed at Grandma's and went with his cousin Josh. They set up watching a heavy fenceline along a CRP field. Soon 6 does came out and Brady took a shot at one. It dropped in its tracks. They walked up to it and got within about 15 feet and it got up and ran into some thickets. They left it and came back an hour or so later and tracked it to the neighbors trees but he was hunting with family in there and they did not want to mess it up for them. Josh later went there and looked but could not find the doe. Brady called me on the phone and told me about it. I could tell he was really bummed about it but I told him too keep his head up that he had the other guys taking him the rest of the weekend. Well mom got him all packed and on his way with the other guys to hunt at the river house for the weekend. He was pretty pumped up for this because this is a great hunting area. They got there and went out right away. They spotted some deer running into a pocket of trees. They set Brady in a popup blind that they had set up near by and walked out the trees to Brady. A doe came out and Brady missed her. A few more came out with a small buck trailing. Brady took a shot at him. One of the other guys said they could hear the "thwack" and thought he hit him. They told me that they walked up to Brady and he said he thought he missed again and was really bummed out. They asked him where it went and one of the guys went and looked. He had hit it and it was laying in the wheat field dead. He came back and told Brady the and I guess Brady turned as white as a sheet. He said he could not believe it. I guess there was kind of a mini celebration over Brady's first deer. One of the guys called me and told me Brady had his deer and gave him the phone to talk to me. It was kinda funny because I could not tell who was more excited Brady or the other guys. I told him I was proud of him and now he had get it loaded up. They helped him field dress it and took some pictures. After I hung up I was kind of bummed out myself that I was not with him to be able to share his first deer. I still am kinda bummed about it after 2 days but I am proud and happy as hell about it. I am very happy that if I could not be there for it, that he was with the group of guys that he was with. They are all great friends and I appriciate what they did so much. Sorry for being so long winded but right now I am one proud dad!!