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Be thankful for Iowa


New Member
I just wanted to drop a line and tell all of you guys that live/hunt in Iowa that you guys are really a lucky bunch. I live in Wisconsin and in the fall each and every year, I continue to get frustrated as a bowhunter. Finding permission to hunt land in WI is like trying to find a needle in a haystack the size of Alaska. Public land is sooo heavily hunted that it really pressures the local deer herd, especially the mature bucks. On top of that, many bowhunters, atleast in my area, don't care about scent control, intruding on other hunters' areas, taking realistic shots at animals and not hail marys, and just don't take the necessary precautions that bowhunters should be taking. I actually have quit gun hunting in the state just out of fear for my life during the season. I also schedule a week of bowhunting in another state (SD) just to be able to have a chance at hunting unpressured whitetails. I'm sorry this is so long and sounds like I am just venting, but that is exactly what I am doing. Please each day you are able to see an unpressured whitetail and not see another hunter in your area, thank your lucky stars because you are very fortunate!!!

Getting more and more like that around here every year. I'm afraid we'e just a few years behind you.


I see that you are a teacher. I am a teacher as well. physical education. How about yourself?
High school math. Better get ready for class

Stu,I feel your pain,it's the same here, and just seems to get worse every year.

I hear ya. I'm from PA and the comparison with IA is night and day. NW Buck, trust me I've hunted IA and you guys are a long way from PA when it comes to pressure. For example, I think IA issued approximately 30K archery licenses last year. PA issues about 300K every season. The PA Game Commission estimates 1 million licensed hunters in PA for the first day of firearms season. God Bless IA Hunting!!
I got a ? why do so many people incourage introducing new people to hunting when it is so over crowded. it seems that most of the trouble are with people who did not grow up with the sport. i do think its a good thing. but theres also the negatives to go with it.
Hey, I thought I was the only one who had permision to hunt South Dakota
Stu, what part of SD?

Hunt on All4s
Hey Stu and NWBuck, guess that makes 3 teachers on here, myself included. Kudos boys to an honourable profession!! Sorry to hear about the poor hunting opportunities Stu.
Add one more teacher to the group, going on 11 years. Its good to know that there are more hunters out there teaching our youth about the benefits of the outdoors.

Awesome!!! More teachers....now there's another topic that I would love to get into, but we'll just keep to a topic that everyone can talk about and love....bowhunting.

I hunt on a ranch about an hour north of Wall, right along the river. This year will be the first year that my buddy will be able to hunt both whitetails and mulies on the same trip. Can't wait!!!

This weekend should be really interesting, opening day of WI bow season. I found a spot to hunt and it takes a solid 35 minutes to get to the stand. I'm hunting at a state park which contains about 25000 acres, but the main problem is that they have all these bike/hiking trails running through it. I just hope my spot is far enough away.

Speaking of hunting tags, I think WI has more bowhunters than IA has bow and gun hunters COMBINED!!! What I wouldn't do to be able to hunt that great state of IA!!!
Hey Stu, think how lucky I am to be a teacher/hunter here, only 25000-30000 whitetail hunters here each year, have you seen the size of our province, you talk of lack of pressure, I hunt in the ultimate no pressure area.

Wow...I never thought of that. I didn't think it could get better than IA. What's the temps like up there this time of the year??? I'm going hunting tonight over a water source because its suppose to be in the low 80's again for the 5th day.
Back off-topic. Ex-teacher here. 18 years teaching life science to 7th graders. Loved that age because you can still get them excited about learning, nature and the outdoors.
Old Buck, that is super cool that you too were a teacher, I'm sure you put the art teachers to shame!!!

Stu, right now the temp is in the mid 50's, down to freezing at night, leaves are falling and even better for a guy like you........bow season has been open for 20 days, muzzleoader opens in 11.
Hey! One more teacher! 4th grade for 5 years! Being a hunter, I seem to be introducing a lot of Gary Paulsen books to them. Hopefully some know who I'm talking about.
Hey Teacher, 5th year in the 4th grade for me as well, so what book do you like more, Hatchet, The River, The Cutting Room, The HayMeadow, Tracker, Woodsong, Dogsong?????? Gary Paulsen is dang good!
I date a teacher, does that count?
saskguy, i liked hatchet the best
As far as hunting pressure goes, I think we have it pretty good, but im sure someday its gonna be down right ugly in the deer woods
I thank God every day for what I have and for the brave defenders helping me to keep it.
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