True, soybeans are great for whitetails when the leaves are green and the early growth stage's even before the pods start.and fantastic for capturing velvet footage, other then that- unless you plant them very late or have an early Sept, hunting season, the deer will leave them,by mid sept. and honestly they are worthless for an early hunting season if your season does not kick in until Oct, I have over 6 ac.s of bean in right now and yes we always plant them every year, and leave them standing, We, do both and use a variety of seed one a regular soybean and then a whitetail ( extra forage bean) they are a great source of protien to add to your herd's diet through the ruff winter conditons some of have,-looking forward to sitting our standing beans late season(wink) oh and before anyone mentions Eagle seed beans. been there done that, Neither I or the deer liked walking through Neck high beans, save your money and just plant an extra forage bean