I am sure all game is great if taken care of quickly and properly. I have never tasted bear meat and probably never will. If offered,,,possibly out of curiosity. I had a life time cowboy outfitter friend in WY, who took bear hunters into the Teton Wilderness area at the foot of Yellow Stone Park. I asked him if he ate bear meat. NO he stated without apology. If you knew what they ate,,you would agree,,he said. I went out with him taking out bait. No sweet roles or doughnuts. He'd stop at a local butcher for scraps, even dead livestock. The more smelly, green, crawling with magots, the better. Some stuff I could hardly drag out there without up-chucking. He said the bears just love it! Just lap up those maggots. No thanks, no bear meat for me. Now I know they eat good stuff too, grass, berries, roots. they eat everything, but are partial to carrion. In any degree of decomposition.