I am also very passionately worried about the birds and the bees. As a career conservationist... It's hard not to be.
Loss of habitat, super clean at fields, chemicals are all responsible in some way shape or form and there are certainly arguments both ways. Nanny has certainly opened my eyes on some things so thank you for taking the time buddy.
Here's a thought tho. Why is demand so high for corn/beans?? Let's face it, we aren't "feeding the world" anymore. Ethanol is using up a good bit of that crop that's been planted on marginal acres where it could never grow before and is making it worthwhile to continue to do so while big ag continues to produce seed that can yield.
I think we solve a lot of problems: habitat loss, low wildlife/insect populations, WATER QUALITY, need for lots of chemical, etc., by farming sustainably, voluntarily. No-till, cover crops where feasible, buffer every stream, wetlands at tile outlets. Farm the best, save the rest and quit using our food for fuels and gross by-products when there is better technology out there. Keep demand high by taking land back out of production and let Monsanto keep creating higher yielding products, then let people decide for themselves if that product is safe to eat.
As for me, I sure don't have a problem eating GMO corn raised venison but will likely be hobby farming my own pork, beef, chicken in the future - because it's kind of fun and teaches my kids responsibility as well as my waistline on the slim side. I support locally grown, organic produce (aka my garden or farmers market) when I can, otherwise I buy stuff off the shelves just like most people.
We need cheap food just as much as we need wildlife, insects, organic foods, topsoil and clean water and I am confident there is a happy medium out there. Working in an NRCS office for 2 years, I saw the good and the bad both, and the good works just as well with no harm to the bottom line in most cases.