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In 2011 I had gotten pictures of a 2 year old that looked like he could really be a good buck someday, he had a messed up g3 on his left side that gave him his name.

In 2012 I picked him back up but only he had gotten way bigger, as expected. It took me awhile to figure out who he was but it seemed pretty obvious that it was Bentley. The short brows and the wrap around main beams were the giveaway.

Now we're to this year. After going all summer without getting pictures of him I found a scrape and hung a camera in the area that he's always lived in. To my surprise on the first card pull, there he was.

Last year it seemed everytime I hunted I saw this buck, so hopefully he keeps it up this year so I can get an opportunity at this buck.
Great history and buck. Question for ya though. Are you sure he is 4.5 now? I would guess him at 5.5 viewing the pictures I would guess your first set he is 3.5 and run down from the rut and winter. In the second year his neck is pretty thick in September. Doesn't matter either way, I would put him down as he is a stud.
I like Bentley, think its cool how his main beams come in like that! Agree with you that he was a 2-2.5 year old back in 2011. Go look on the spike discussion and theres a QDMA pic of a 1.5,2.5,3.5 year old deer
I like Bentley, think its cool how his main beams come in like that! Agree with you that he was a 2-2.5 year old back in 2011. Go look on the spike discussion and theres a QDMA pic of a 1.5,2.5,3.5 year old deer
I'm not saying he isn't a 4.5, I was just asking. Giving my opinion of the deers characteristics and asking a question.
Well they were all taken with Moultrie M-80s except for the night time flash picture. They were all bought at the same time in 2011 and they're all still going good.
I'm not saying I could pass him but of a guy could wow he could be a absolute giant.

sent from super hunters I phone
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