I already know what your going to hear from the majority.
"Go with Lonewolf/Muddy hang on with sticks"
Now I am another one that is going to suggest this aswell. I hate straight trees, a person in a stand looks like tumor sticking out on the side of a straight tree. The Lonewolf/Muddy stands are ment to be carry in carry out stands. I can be up a tree in less then 15min. It will take me that in a climber aswell by the time I get all my settings right with the straps and such. Plus you have the opportunity to use trees that arent just perfectly straight.
I cant remeber who on IW, someone goes preseason and trims lanes, trees, ect, and places the batwing hook in the trees. Batwing hook allows a person to hang the stand one handed.
The one advantage a climber like the Summit Viper or several others that are real top of the line is the comfyness. My hunting partner has a summit viper, its ridiculously comfortable, the first time I used it I slept through the first hour of my hunt. Cant hardly fall out of it.
If you were looking at multiple ALLDAY sits I would say go with a highend climber. Butt doesnt get sore, you can take a little snooze if you need to, ect...
If your like me, I cant hardly last 4hours in a stand, I gotta get down and move. I say go with a LoneWolf Stand or a Muddy Outdoors stand. The seat on a LoneWolf is less than an inch thick and is probably one of most comfortable seats. I havent spent any extended amount of time in a Muddy stand.
Goodluck in your choice.