I was just getting ready to make a post on muddy sticks. The way the muddy sticks work (which I'm sure most of you have seen them) is that there are 2 steps that fold out, with a gear like back on them. On Oct 6 I packed in to hunt an area. I have a set of muddy sticks, and a set of Lone Wolf sticks, and the combo I use is 2 muddy sticks and 3 lone wolf sticks with my set up. I like the longer lone wolfs for straighter trees, and with tree's with a bend or angle on them, the shorter muddy sticks help fill in the gap.
I was setting up in a straight tree. When I do that, I put both muddy sticks on bottom. Got the first one set, second one set, and when I stepped on the second one (about 6-7 feet off the ground) the steps collapsed and went straight down. Now first I thought I had a brain fart and put the stick upside down or something. After gathering myself back up (didn't hurt myself, but was dang sore the next morning) I looked the stick over, and the gears on the inside had came apart. I've never heard of this happening with muddy sticks before, but the stick was basically useless until I brought it home and took it apart and reset the steps. If it would have been a tree with an angle, I may have been 18-20 foot off the ground when the step collapsed, and I doubt I would have just walked away from that.
I'm sticking to the lone wolfs now. Never have had a failure with them, and I just trust the straps on them better anyways.