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best hang on stand?



I am a old mule deer hunter and will be hunting whitetail for first time. I am looking for the best hang on stand (light, quiet, easy to use). Thinking about either Lone Wolf or Chippewa Wedge Lock. I am leaning towards the Wedge Lock because it seems more stable, but I could be completely wrong. Any thoughts?
Lots on here swear by the lone wolfs.

I use Gorilla Baby Kongs...but they're not really set up for mobility like the ones you've mentioned.
I'll step up and mark the first tally for a Lone Wolf. I've seen a wedge lock "Ghost" and though it is a great stand, the platform was friggin tiny. The Lone Wolf Alpha is tough to beat.

The Lone Wolf Alpha Hang-On gets my vote.

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I have 4 stands that I religiously use.... 2 Lone Wolf Alpha Hang-ons... and 2 Chippewa Wedgelocs.... (Original Wedgeloc & Chief stands).... I really like them both for different situations. I like to keep chain harnesses in my annual hot spots then just sneek in when I first hunt them and quickly and quietly drop in the Wedgeloc ;).... the Original is very heavy in my opinion so I hang it and leave it after the first time out for the season, then pull at seasons end. Tree rats destoyed my seat after season last year so I had to replace it.

I tend to use my Lone Wolfs more for early season doe hunting when I am moving around and not leaving my stand in one place. I also use it alot for new stand locations that I will leave in place once the season starts as I adjust to changes in deer movement.

They both are great stands.... the Chippewa in my opinion is a little over priced.... you will have to replace the rubber tree bumpers every 4 years or so ($8) and your seat occasionally if you leave it in the woods for a few months. The only thing you will replace on a Lone Wolf may be the seat foam.

Also if you are not currently doing so... check into the TreeHopper bolt / treestep system... I have been using this for years.... it is slick!!!!

If you are only wanting to buy one stand.... Go with the Lone Wolf... the hanging straps and accessories are also much more reasonable in price. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tlambert</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I hear those wedge loc's are pretty sweet.</div></div> If you want to take your stand down every hunt then the Wedge loc's are the best stand out there. If you plan on leaving your stand up and moving it time to time then you can't go wrong with the Lone Wolf!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nacho</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you plan on carrying the stand in and out everytime, you can't beat the Wedge loc in my opinion. </div></div>

even though I dont have one. That is the way to go in my opinion.
For the guys that are saying wedge lock. Have you used a Lone Wolf? Just curious. I have looked at them and I just can't see how they would be better than the Lone Wolf? Help me out here.
Limb, I honestly havent looked at a Lone wolf. No one sells them around here and no one has one.

I would like to look at one sometime.
That Wedge-loc is slick!

You can have that thing hung and sitting in it in 20 seconds.

And it is about the most stable stand I have ever sat in.
I have a little of everything. I love my APIs for comfort and in areas where I will hang a stand and more than likely leave it for a year. I have several other cheapies that are in spots for permenant situations.

However you can't beat the Lone Wolf for mobility, packing in 20 lbs. is pretty simple and hanging the LW is very easy, me and Muddy have our system down pretty good and can get two of them hung in about 10 minutes anymore. Quietest stand I have ever owned also, once it is tight to the tree it is rock solid and never makes a peep. I have looked at the Wedge Locs and although they look really slick, they seem a little steep in price.
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