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Best Scent Removing Sprays, etc.?!?!?


Staff member
Have a question, kind of a survey at the end of this…

I am not a big believer in Scent-Lok from my personal experience, I still wear several layers just in case it could have some impact BUT for the most part, I personally don’t think it does much. IMO.

BUT, for the sprays, I have tried almost all of them AND I spend a ton of time hunting and a ton of time around a lot of deer to get a feel for what works and what does not. No one will EVER tell me to “Forget the Wind and Hunt”!!!!!!

For people like me who spend tons of time paying attention to what works for sprays and what doesn’t do squat- which ones do you feel work well? Which works the best? Some obvious examples are: Dead Down Wind, Carbon Blast, HS Scent Neutralizer, (Scent removing gum too), White Lightning, Titanium, Silver, etc, etc. etc. PLEASE share your opinions and experiences so others can make some educated choices on this purchase (which ends up being pretty expensive).
i have used HS scent stuff, i.e. wafers, scent elimination sprays, etc, and have nothing but positive experiences to talk about.

i have also used Dead Down Wind, and if i were to pick a shampoo to recommend, its thiers, after i use the green soap i feel dry and get very itchy, but the DDW is great!!!

i do feel all the scent elimination sprays dont fully cover your scent, but i have noticed on the days where there is little wind, and i have not sweated prufusely getting to my stand, that i very rarely have deer smell me. i take a small bottle of spray to re-apply once in the stand.

i know there is lots of speculation as to whether this stuff works or not, but using this stuff in conjunction with playing the wind has really increased the amount of deer i see. it gives me confidence and i have never had a negative encounter i can attribute to using it, therefore i will contunue to use it!

sorry i got long winded, but for me its HS and DDW
Tom long winded???? Say it ain't so /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif

Hate to say it but I agree with you, HS & or DDW /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
I use Scent Lok but like you am not sure if it TRULY has any effect. The thing that I love about mine though is the jacket fits better than any and is bulky inside so i can layer, but tight on the sleeves. I keep it in a zip lock bag 24/7 so it is always clean. If I had to pick one product it is scent wafers and HS or DDW soap. I shot a nice buck in 2003 in which I completely forgot my clothes after driving from St.Louis to Illinois. I only had GYM CLOTHES...SWEATY Gym CLOTHES!!! I set up off a point and shot the 140" at 10 steps..I could smell me (it was aweful) but in grad school I had 1 day to hunt and had to go! The buck couldn't smell me though being upwind. This after a forky at 100 yards downwind started snorting like crazy. Bottom line...NOTHING beats the wind but maybe you can confuse them a bit or long enough to get a shot. I am still skeptical. I like Scent Lok for the material but could get by with wafers in a bag and a good weather report.

Ghost total scent elimination is IMO the best on the market, and it’s made in Iowa. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif


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Make it yourself, with Hydrogen Peroxide, unscented liquid soap, baking soda, and pure water. That is basically what is in all you buy. Only thing that works on skunk smell, and musty smell from floods. The recipe has been on here several times,,I don't have here right now, sorry.
I've always used Scent Lok, H.S. spray, H.S. laundry detergent, deodorant, and shower in the unscented H.S. soap. I'm using the Primos Silver spray this year, I've heard awesome things about that stuff.

I don't really believe in the Scent Lok technology either as far as total scent containment, but I do think it helps a little when you toss them in the dryer on high heat. The clothes have nice pockets and look good too. I always hunt the wind as well and I very rarely get winded.
I use the Scent Killer spray. You'll never totally eliminate your scent, but I think it helps to keep the odor down on your clothes. I've had good expierence with it outside of hunting too. My vest I wear for work dosen't breathe at all, and if it's over 60 degrees you're sweating in it. The ballistic panels can't be washed so as you can imagine it can get pretty ripe. I spray it down with Scent Killer and the stink is gone almost immediately.
Carbon Blast is IMO one of the best. Try your own home test on this stuff. Take something that has a strong smell. Douse it with Carbon Blast and you will have a tough time smelling what you covered up. The only thing I dont' like about it is, it will leave some black residue. Not a big deal It washes out at the end of the season just fine.
I like Carbon Blast as well. I am not opposed to using a few things.

WHERE CAN I GET SOME GHOST? Most sport stores?

Anyone going to try Primos new spray? The have an interesting challenge in their ad. YET, everyone's ads claim they are the best and show the supporting research.
Scent Killer
About 10 years ago I went out after college classes. Upon arriving at my hunting spot, I realized I forgot my rubber hunting boots. Having no other option, I sprayed the shat out of my running shoes with scent killer until I could no longer smell them. That night I had a nice 8pt cut my trail /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gifin a hay field where I had walked into the stand. He never smelled anything at all, and proceeded to walk past. He then got an arrow put in him. I am sure he would have smelled my feet without the scent killer. The stuff also works great to clean blood off your hands!
The recipe above seems like it could be realistic, interesting that it's supposedly baking soda, peroxide, pure water and scent free soap, if a company is bottling that- they must be making a killing!!!

*SIDE NOTE/QUESTION- I have tried many soaps in the shower AND used the body lotion. My problem STILL is my hands, face and body just get abused and so rough, the DDW lotion HELPS but man, I just am dying for the "REGULAR SHOWER" at the end of a hunt (and a manicure, facial and exfoliant! ok kidding) because that soap is just so rough on you as well as sitting outdoors all day. Anyone have suggestions past the DDW lotion or body lotions?

For the sprays, maybe I'll get a 5 gallon bucket- mix in one of every kind, some of them have to work! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
I used white lightning last year with decent results...had several deer walk over my walk-in trail and not think much of it.

I'm using DDW this season.

To each their own, we all have methods and the only proven one is to play the wind.
Save your money IMO. I've used it all, for many years. Since I stopping using it I get winded the same as I did before when I spend hundreds on this crap! Save the money you would have spent on it to buy fuel or expenses to hunt more. I'll put my money on time before pixy dust!
I tried using all that stuff before and it was more of a pain in the butt than it was worth. I just figure if a deer smells me, it was a dumb set up on my part.
I agree that if you are smart about it, you can elude a lot of deer's noses, but...

I think it is very important to at least spray down your boots and pants. When I get busted by deer, it always seems to be when I forget to spray my boots down and deer smell where you walked in. Just a thought.

As for brands, I've always used scent killer, but I'm thinking I might try something different this year.
I swear by Vanishing Hunter, been using it for several years with good success. I own scent sheild clothing & I think it's a waste, most of the odor we give off is our hair & breath, if you spray your clothing that is. You can gargle with the stuff too!
I use scent killer spray with no added odors like earth smell, they just alert the deer more.. USE THE PLAIN. Scent Lok, 2nd day after drying is best. RUBBER BOOTS!. I do not breath into a mask the humidity and moisture just make the mask smelly. I chew gum, new piece of double mint every 3 hours... IT WORKS!

If the weather is dry and low humidity I have had in recent years mature does and bucks down wind with no detection!

In damp weather nothing will work on mature deer!
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