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Biden admin withholding key funding for schools with hunting, archery programs

The world is upside down!!!!
I will talk to any person in any walk of life & be respectful of them. Listen to their views with respect. I have NOT MET ONE PERSON who has said this….. “Biden is awesome. He’s doing a fantastic job. Things are going so well!” I have not heard that ONE time. & I’m around Dems/Libs often. & think having dialogue with opposing views is a positive thing. & I’m not in some “box” where I’m not open minded. Both sides sicken me on certain levels. But….. how is it possible to run into thousands of people & not hear that one statement or general sentiment ONE TIME?!?!? Doesn’t add up.
To be fair… did hear this about Obama & Trump often. Never with Biden.

SORRY!!!!! With that said: welcome to lefty America!!! Throw God out with things like archery & hunting…. Guess what u get?!?! Chicago, Detroit, California. Or rather…. Youth exposed to bizarre grooming stuff. Drugs, violence, reliance on the government. Confused minds. Our youth need core morals, God, hunting, outdoors, pure things…. Dems often shut them out. Like this. we can remind our kids everyday about racism, trans issues, white priviledge …. But we can’t have hunting & archery exposed to them. What an upside down world!!!!
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