Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Big kansas 12 pt

Wow! Would love to know more about that one! Can't be much for deductions on that one.
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OK - for TheGame or anyone else who wants to play "let's make a guess":

B - 26x2 - 52 (probably longer)
S - 19 (image angle makes this one tough)
Mass - 5x2, 4.75x2, 4.5x2, 4.25x2 - 37 (same as above)
that puts frame at 108. on the small range is 90, on the top range for most bucks is 110 so my guesses seem pretty fair.

G1 - 4+5 - 9
G2 - 10+10 - 20
G3 - 12+12 - 24
G4 - 12+11 - 23
G5 - 7+6 - 13

gross estimate - 197

Hell of a buck.
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He's got to gross close to 200 if not over it and his net won't be far behind that.

I bet The Game will put it at 165.

if his 2's were as impressive as his 3's that would be a stud...Huge deer...hard to beat a real typical of that size.

Funny how people cant let go of something.. Guess that's the keyboard way..nothing has changed
I think they took some perfect photos of him. What an outstanding deer, but I don't think he breaks 190. The last photo is the most telling about appropriate size to me. Regardless he's a deer of a lifetime! Congrats to the hunter!
Hmmm they are saying 186 green and netting 176.... Now what was that score on Dedgeez's deer again...177 and sumthn?...hmmmmmmmmmmm.
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