Big Mountian Lion Shot In Missiouri ???


New Member
I don't know how old this story is but a friend on mine in town on business from Missiouri handed me a zerox of an articule about a 200 plus pound mountain lion shot by a deer hunter. The story goes in part like this " The man in the photo was deer hunting when he heard his neighbor's cows making noise. He discovered that the big cat was attacking the calves. He shot the cat and it jumped 8 feet straight up in the air, ran about 100 yards and died " The man in the picture is over six feet tall and when he lifted up the cat it's feet were still on the ground the the cats girth was as wide as the mans body.

Has anyone heard of this incident ??
I think i know what picture you are talking about and that picture has been on the boone and crocket website for a couple years and it was shot in wyoming for something like that. the story you heard is bogus. Also i like how you spell missouri.
hey eightpoint does this look like it?