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Has anyone ever encountered of such a thing?! Sometimes, I feel as if someone is watching me when I walk to my stand in early, early mornings! You know, the creepy Mike Myers feeling! I don't know if they exist, but man, you have to wonder!! :confused:
I no hoe you feel, ive had the feeling of being watched and fallowed. just the other morning while walking to the stand could of swore i heard foot steps behind me so really fast I whipped around with the light and nothin there. I think its mostly a mind game LOL
You guys need to stop watching scary movies!

The only thing that freaks me out is walking out of the stand by moonlight some evenings and having to walk through a bunch of bedded cows. It stems from a bad experience I had as a young lad throwing apples at them... Bad idea.
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Yeah it's most likely not bigfoot. It could be a cougar, bobcat, pack of coyotes, wild dogs, meth head, pyscho killer or maybe your ex girlfriend / wife. You just never know what you will run into out there or when something will jump on your back. My advice, wear ear plugs when you walk to your tree. :)
wild dogs or ex girl friends arent things to joke about! ive heard terribletrue stories about them around these parts!
Last year when a buddy and me were walking in to our spot we came across a very large pool of blood. At first we were mad and thought someone had trespassed and shot a deer. When we came back out a few hours later we stopped and looked the blood pool over. Next to it we found a small ruler from "Crime Laboratories" and a blue surgical glove. At that point we knew it wasnt a hunter guttin a deer.
Now my buddies father is the Chief of Police so he gave him a call. Apparently a 19 year old kid shot himself in the face with a .410. This kinda freaked us both out the rest of the year, just not knowing who was out there doing God knows what, kinda puts you on edge going in in the dark with only a bow in hand and a knife on your hip! I still get a chill when I step over the "spot" to this day.
You guys need to stop watching scary movies!

The only thing that freaks me out is walking out of the stand by moonlight some evenings and having to walk through a bunch of bedded cows. It stems from a bad experience I had as a young lad throwing apples at them... Bad idea.

The cow cough is killer......... Sounds like a creeper sneakin up on you. Now I am all freaked out and leaving in 30 minutes. Thanks
Don't worry, it's just a cougar.

On more than one occasion out here, I've had that feeling of being followed, turned around and had the very distinct amber-colored eye shine of a cat 10 yards from me. So far, its only been curious bobcats, but with all the mt lions out here and my previous experience with one, I know its only a matter of time before our paths cross again. That's what creeps me out the most. And I've been in situations with lion sign (tracks, scrapes, kills, etc.) so fresh that I know I'm being watched (even creepier). And then there's the Mogollon Monster, which is AZ's version of Sasquatch! ;)
Thinking about what could be out there creeps me out too. I often think about something jumping out at me. Freakin 27 yrs old and still think about this sometimes walking out to the stand in the pitch dark. haha.
lol, this thread made me laugh. You guys would not make it as a coon hunter, or if you did you'd have to have a group of people to be with.

The only times it gets a little weird for me is on those nights when a heavy fog decides to roll in at 3am and you're 2 miles from the truck. That can get creepy. The other is something you have to experience to understand, but about once a week during coon season I'll get directly under 10-20 roosting turkeys. The only thing I can compare it to is if you had a bunch of guys slamming an aluminum gate with sledge hammers. Then you get hit in the head by sticks and sometimes a turkey will crash right beside you. That always scares the crap out of me.
lol, this thread made me laugh. You guys would not make it as a coon hunter.

My thoughts exactly! Coon hunting for almost 30 years, there isn't much that can spook me anymore. I do remember as a kid coon hunting along a flooded creek and having a giant beaver slap its tail on the water mere feet from me in the complete darkness. That will cause an "impulse bladder drain" if anything ever will! :D We only have Blair Witches out where I live anyway. No Bigfoot. ;)
Four years ago, walking into my stand, I actually came across a dead body that had been dumped on my farm! Talk about creepy! It was a really stange scene....it was an adult male that was laying in a pool of milk and he was covered with corn flakes!
The detectives later determined that it was the work of a serial killer!

Couldn't resist....this thread is cracking me up!
I'm usually pretty brave walking to my stand but the day I start hearing banjos playing in the southern Iowa woods will be the last day I walk in the dark:drink2:
I do remember as a kid coon hunting along a flooded creek and having a giant beaver slap its tail on the water mere feet from me in the complete darkness. That will cause an "impulse bladder drain" if anything ever will!

Probably 90% of my coon hunting is along large creeks and rivers. One of my buddies that was kind of a city slicker went catfishing and told me there must have been a meteorite land in the river because there was a loud splash and it wasn't a fish jumping. LOL i told him, "yeah meteorites fall in that river all the time".
The cereal killer was a good one!! :grin: Gotta watch out for those guys!

Years ago I was by myself in a very dark timber on a spring turkey hunt and I could have sworn that I was hearing something following me as I hustled down a logging road. I had turned and looked over my shoulder a couple of times already but could not see anything. Nevertheless, I was beginning to pick up the pace a bit, after making sure my gun was loaded that is, when a freaking coon dog YELPED at me from about 10' away. OMG, it was the loudest sound I think I ever heard and it was then that I learned a new vocabulary word...sharted! :D

It turns out that a coon dog had gotten lost somehow and picked up my trail and really was following me. When he caught me he barked and scared the crap out of me! I ended up taking the beast out to the road, as opposed to shooting it since it scared me so bad, and left it with the park ranger. There was a number on the collar that he called to alert the owner that his dog had been found, I should have charged him for a new pair of undies, if you know what I mean. :D
The only thing that bothers me is walking in on one farm. I have to cross through the cattle pasture before getting to the section where my stand is at. This guy has the some of the meanest darn cows around. They're darn near wild. These easily spooked SOB's try to run me down anytime they see me crossing thru in the dark. I've never had a group of cattle scare me before but about 4 years ago the farmer was out checking cattle and was trampled. He broke 6 ribs and had a collapsed lung and broken arm. Ever since then these suckers put me on alert. If it was me those cattle that trampled him would been off to the sale barn and replaced. Other then that farm I enjoy sneaking around in the woods at dark
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