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BioLogic Introduces New Perennial


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BioLogic Introduces New Perennial

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<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
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WEST POINT</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">MS</st1:State> - Todd Amenrud, Director of Public Relations for BioLogic said, "We at BioLogic set out over a year ago to provide food plotters with a new perennial blend, one that has the ability to attract deer from miles around as well as provide the ultimate in nutrition throughout the entire year. Enter Perfect Plot."

Making up the bulk of the blend are <st1:country-region w:st="on"><ST1:pNew Zealand</st1:country-region> clovers, alfalfa, and chicory - without a doubt the three most attractive and nutritious perennials available for attracting and growing bigger, healthier deer. The seven different varieties of clover were chosen for their unique ability to provide high palatability and digestible protein with maximum leaf growth and the ability to perform in a wide variety of conditions.

The variety of alfalfa used in Perfect Plot is very high in forage yield and has proven to have excellent winter survival and persistence for those planting in the northern climates as well as superior disease resistance, diseases which are known to plague those who have tried to establish alfalfa in the Southeast.

Rounding out the perennials in this blend is chicory. The variety of chicory used in this blend is highly nutritious and incredibly drought resistant.

Perfect Plot also includes some highly attractive annuals for early and late season draw. Austrian Winter Peas are included in the blend for this very reason.

To complete this exciting new planting are a couple varieties of field proven <st1:country-region w:st="on"><ST1:pNew Zealand</st1:country-region> brassicas. These were included in the blend to give your plot the late season appeal when the really cold weather sets in and the snow begins to fall.

Perfect Plot should provide years of high quality food for your herd with little care and maintenance. The clovers, alfalfa and chicory in this blend were chosen for their track record of being very hardy varieties with great longevity.

For more information, log on to www.mossyoakbiologic.com or call 662-495-9292.

Todd Amenrud (763) 413-0797 or todd@plantbiologic.com


I use their products, and I have been very impressed. Look forward to trying the new perennial.
Pretty sure there are several posts from DBLtree regarding not planting clover and alfalfa together for maintance reasons.
I though Biologic already had a foodplot blend has clover/chicory/alfalfa in it.
I'll stick with Dbltree's ideas of just planting seed from the local seed company....seems to be a heck of a lot cheaper
a lot cheaper

Most "buck on a bag" seed tends to be pretty pricey, doesn't mean it's not quality seed but it won't attract deer one bit better and the unsuspecting landowners end uping for a lot of advertising.

An acres worth of top quality clover seed from Welter's runs about $30 and they keep mine pretty well mowed.....
Food plot seed

There is serious research, time and money put into these blends. Buying seed from a local elevator may work for some, but not for others.

I suppose anything could be homemade, I don't think I could make chocolate that tastes as good as a Hershey bar, and I don't think most run of the mill food plotters can put together seed blends that compare with Biologic, so that is why the company sells a lot of bags of seed.

Do you think a hungry deer will gravitate more to the Biologic then

to a comparable food plot from a local mill ?

Do you think a hungry deer will gravitate more to the Biologic then

to a comparable food plot from a local mill ?

I'm betting a certain someone on this site has run side by side tests on this...and I'm betting the fancy pants stuff didn't do any better.:drink1:
I have trouble "buying" buck on a bag mixes when the bag will tell you what % each kind of seed is in the bag. Im not postive but I would guess a foodplotter can make the same seed blends for the less amount of money assuming you can go to local seed store and buy each seed kind you need. Now it would be different if you were only planting a 1/2 acre and that was it. But 5-10acres or more...

Risto: Yes I do. I have tried several brands and tried the local elevator stuff. The best food plot mix that I have ever used are Biologic Maximum and Biologic Full Draw. With the exception of a great stand of 50 bushel per acre soybeans and at certain times of the year, corn, nothing has ever produced more deer sightings and quality bucks (151 inch 9 pointer and two slightly smaller)

Have you ever watched the Drury videos? Great plots, lots of deer, giant bucks shot over the plots, results!

My point is that they work! If you want to mix your own go for it, but some of the seed they use is not available at local elevators. I take my food plots serious and don't care if I spend an extra $100-$200 on seed.

I suppose I can make my own malts and sundaes but I usually just stop at the local dairy queen instead, it tastes better and I don't have to do the work.

I am glad companies like Biologic, Whitetail Institute and Frigid Forage exist because they have opened up our eyes to what is out there and they have increased the number of landowners planting plots, which helps in the overall management of whitetails.
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