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Black bear


Well-Known Member
Anyone on here hunted black bear before. I was thinking about trying to arrange something and was looking for suggestions. I can't spend a fortune so I would like to go on my own, but I don't know how long it takes to get them coming to a bait sight. Any of you guys have experience? Any suggestions?
kelcher, I would look into the place that your gonna hunt and see if its legal to bait. I'm certified through the state of alaska for baiting bears. Having an no closed season for black bear. Most bear baiters get them out before they are outta the den.

It would be like dumping a truck load of apples in your woods, give it a week and you should see results. From talking with other hunters, the preferred ingrediants are dog food and KFC used grease from chicken fryers. Crispy cremes works as well. Hope this helps. Is there bear in iowa.
N. MN is your best bet and should be doable for under 600$ door to door. Alaskan is right baiting is the best way to get your bear.

Bears wll hit a bait overnight or it may take them a week to find it just depends where your at , how many are around and how long you have been baiting,,, many variables to deal with.

No bear in Iowa. Well, maybe I shouldn't say NO bear, but the population is probably slightly less than our cougar population. I remember working at a meat locker in high school and a guide service would order trucks full of what we called "kracklen"(sp). It was what was left over after we melted down the beef tallow with beef trim left on and drained the grease. It reminded me of fried bacon. I bet that worked pretty good.

Been to northern MN 3 times...taken two bears. Do-it-yourself each time, and $600-$800 gets it done, depending on a few variables. It can take a few days for them to find the baits, and some they never find. If you do it yourself, it'll take at least 2 trips to wherever you're going. The tough part is finding a local to run baits for you while you're not there. PM me if you want and I can give you some more details. Good luck!

No bear is gettin my Crispy Cremes !
Kelcher, I know a good outfitter in N MN PM me if you want to check it out. It's tough to run baits regularly if you live out of state.
I agree with point of finding someone to keep the baits up for you. These bear are about as predictable as the weather.

Good luck and have fun when you go!!
Kelcher ... I've hunted black bear in several states with bait, spot and stalk, and with hounds. Far and away hound hunted for bears is the way to go, no other type of hunting compares. To experience a bear that refuses to climb a tree and stands his ground on a few good dogs is something incredible. Unfortunately, unless you have connections, you will probably be spending several thousand dollars on a hound bear hunt with an outfitter.

In my opinion, the two best black bear hunting locations that a do-it-yourself could go, have a great time, and likely be successful would be Prince of Whales Island in SE Alaska or Northern California near Mt. Shasta. Both of these locations have ample black bear populations and a simple spot and stalk hunting method for a week should provide some good results.

It rains everyday there but SE Alaska has huge black bears and lots of brushy clearcuts and salmon choked streams, and I guarantee you will see bears. Mostly they will be solid black color phase. Northern California is much drier but they also have huge bears that grow fat on acorns and most bears are brown or blonde color phase.

If you camped you could probably do the California trip yourself for less than $1000. The Alaska trip will cost you at least $1000 to get there. A place to stay on Prince of Whales Island probably $400/week ... camping in the rain isn't fun to me. I'd assume another $1000 in stuff that will come up , so $2500 will probably cover a SE Alaska do-it-yourself hunt.

If this blows your budget I'd suggest saving another year or two and then go. I think you will find a western black bear hunt much more rewarded. If you want some more info PM me.
I know doing all the work is more satisfying. But, although I have ample vacations, I can't spend 2-3 weeks doing all that work along with the time it would take just to get there .I have a friend who went to New Mexico and hunted with hounds and he loved it and took a big bear. I've taken a couple bears over bait in Canada and had a blast. Its still a rush being miles and miles from the nearest hunter let alone town, and having bears come under your tree. I'm plan on taking my youngest son back with me when he turns 14. (legal age to hunt bear in Alberta)Also on average those bears in western Canada are very big. Good luck!
Bears are plentiful here in western North Carolina. Licenses for NR hunters are over the counter and cheap. Guided hunts with hounds are $100 - $200 per day. Be is shape, the mountains are steep and long. The drive is 16 hours from central Iowa.
I have an ol Army buddy that lives in Andrews, NC....he could always guide me I guess. Are the bears big in NC and is there both spring and fall hunting?
Years back I have heard of hunters that didn't need a guide or have baits sets up for a long perid of time did this. They knew where there was black bears in a area and would get a one burner coleman cooker and put a large coffee can and put three or four pounds of bacon in it and let it cook on low and the smell of that would bring the bear right in. The smell would travel for a very long ways to bring in a hunger bear. Not sure if you still can do it but, I have seen many hunters get a bear that way. Might wanna try it. Have to keep your eyes open and get them before they get burned.lol
The bears are quite large, and as a bonus, you can hunt the original strain wild boar at the same time. It is a beautiful area. The trout fishing is good also. Unlike some other states, NR hunters are welcome here. Here is a link:

The black bear world record is from eastern N.C.at 880 pounds from Craven County, and a close second from northeastern Minnesota weighed 876 pounds on September 5, 1994.
another link:

Your friend in Andrews lives in bear central. I hope this helps.

Thanks for all of the help. I was wondering how long it would take for the bears to come to the sights. Since I can only afford to blow a week on the hunt it sounds like I may want to line something up with somebody. I'll do a little more research and maybe get back to a couple of you for more info. Thanks again for all of the help.

180bc, the world record ,was it really Dolly Partons cousin? Thats always what I heard.
Is it still the record? I thought it got broken. Just curious.
I'm a little bored tonite. I did some research and indeed its Dolly's cousin Coy Parton. Taken near Vanceboro in Craven Co. I knew I heard that before.I love google.
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