Blackhorn 209! I statred shooting it 2 years ago and won't go back. Its a loose powder so if you want pellets, you'll have to stick with the pyrodex or 777 (or one of the others that makes pellets). Check the specs on your optima, namely the flash hole diameter in the breech plug. Blackhorn 209 takes a lot more heat than the others to light and they have a recommended flash hole diameter to make sure the job gets done. Also, it will require some hotter burning primers, shotgun primers NOT the muzzleloader primers. Make sure you read the directions on it. The blackhorn 209 burns hotter so its not a 1-to-1 replacement ratio. Where 150 grains is the max load for 777 and pyrodex, 120 grains is the max for blackhorn. The stuff burns amazingly clean! Very easy clean up, no stuck breech plugs, no crud rings. Check out some reviews online, you won't find too many bad ones.