Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

***Blair Witch Project!!!***


"Is my key still gonna work when I get home?"

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Now that is funny
!!! But it now will be on my mind.
Mountain lions really freak me out. Saw one two years ago on my hunting ground and haven't felt the same since.
A scary sound to me while walking to a stand day or night would have to be hearing a deer bust me with that "blow/alert" snort and hear multiple deer running away and knowing you just blew your hunt for at least an hour or two if not the entire day.
Obviously not before sunup, but when a turkey busts up at your feet...scares the crap out of me. It's like the rush of a rooster pheasant flushing...only multiplied by 100. It could give a man a heart attack!
A beaver slap'n the water next to the canoe will get the heart going in the dark. It's even worse when you know it's gonna happen pretty much every time, just not when or how close.
Wild dogs scare the hell out of me. I have ran into them too many times in the dark with nothing but a bow. It is pretty eery when a pack of wild dogs are circling you in the dark. Needless to say the two major times it happened I was within 20 yards of my tree. Both times I don't even remember climbing the tree either

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I couldn't agree more. I have had it happen one time and ever since then I have utilized my permit to carry concealed weapons: my Glock .40 semi-auto in my backpack pocket. I figured 15 rounds would help me out a little with those horrid things.
Came across a skunk once at about 10 yards and the when we realized each other after a long pause the sob started walking towards me. I grabbed an arrow(to hit him with) and yelled I probably sounded like a little girl. He stopped and I ran.
Black girls with heart shaped butts ! thats what I fear.

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I can't say I've ever seen that in the timber, might raise a little concern for me to.
Back in 1981, I went bowhunting up in the Loess Hills east of Onawa (my home town) on a night with a full moon. Hiked about a mile and a half to a ridge and stayed til dark. Yotes started howling and it was extra spooky because I'd just seen ...

American Werewolf in London!

To make matters worse, I'd shot a big ole raccoon and was carrying it out too! (Back in the days when a nice coon would fetch $25 or $30!)
I'm always freaked about meeting a mountain lion on the trail to my stand. I've had stray dogs follow me and that freaked me out. All you see when you hit em with the maglight is 2 green beady eyes.

I have nearly wet my pants a few times when a covey of quail have gotten up right beside me. Kicking turks off the roost can get your heart pumping too.
Im am always afraid of seeing bonkerflage flashing between the corn rows.

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Sounds like Childern of the Corn. Scary movie.

The 'Bonker
I am pretty much terrified of the giant freaking bull that roams the cow pasture that I have to cross to get to my stand. I have been told that he is a nice bull and has never charged anyone, but he stares me down something fierce.
I'll 2nd the big bull. I've got 500 yards of pasture to cross and I refuse to get farther than 10 feet from the fence.

I can't wait until the corn in the field next to the pasture gets picked!!!
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