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Blood Tracking Dogs



Just wondering what you all know about blood tracking dogs in Iowa. This fall I was talking to some legisator from Iowa about tracking dogs. He told me that it was illegal in Iowa. I think it was Whitiaker, don't matter he might not got re-elected anyway. Illionis got into it 3-4 years ago. The dogs are amazing what they can do up to 24 hrs old tracks with no or very little blood. Iowa needs tracking dog with the giants you guys are growing, bummer to lost one and let the coyotes eat them.
I agree but I've brought this up a couple times in the past couple years on various boards and no one seems to be interested in the least.
I think it is a good idea, if it doesn't get abused so that people start running deer with dogs. I went "pheasant hunting" with my GSP to find one of my bucks in a sea of switch grass.
When I was training GSP's I went to a seminar by a club that breeds and trains german breed dogs just for this,like they did in germany in the old days and I think they still do?Mostly GSP'S,Wirehairs,Drahaar's(sp).I wish I remembered the clubs name,but I think if contacted them they they were allowed by the DNR to track an animal.
NAVHDA believes in making use of all of a dogs potential and thus "cold" trailing is a part of the field trial tests. Was it NAVHDA?
The site to look at is Deer Search out of NY, and United Blood Tracker. Very good info at these sites. These dogs are amazing, a good blood dog can find a deer after 24 hrs, with no visible blood. I been training mine for 2 years (Wirehair Daushaund). I used to think hunter (esp. bowhunters) got a bad rap about wounding animals. We as hunter like to think, if we can't find it the animal must have lived. Years that others, have been tracking with dogs has shown that dog can find about 1/3 of all the tracks they are put on (after the hunters have visially failed to track). Think of the numbers of steaks we could be eating instead of the coyotes. MI,IL,PA all just recently (3-5years) passed laws in the use of LEASHED dogs with no weapons allowed. I know the big deal in Iowa, is you are pretty close to MO where they not to long ago were running deer with dogs, which is not the same thing. I think for the future of hunting it makes sense to cut wounding losses any where we can. One less thing for the anti's to come after us with.
Hey Blood dog i sent you a P.M. I wounded a buck during muzzle-loader season and could have used your help!
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