Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


I couldn't agree more and I have the same feelings with all the hard work that I put into my food plots. My highlight last year was when a good friend's son (11 year old) shot a 135" 8 point out of one of my box blinds over a standing bean food plot with a muzzleloader. It was his third deer and his first buck. He helped me plant trees and fertilize/lime some clover plots that summer. So I told him he had earned the opportunity to try to shoot a deer that Fall. He said that he wanted to get a big doe. I told him we would try to get him a buck. Well the first afternoon in the blind he shot his first buck. The excitement and smile in that little guys face is what I feel is most important. Not what got the deer to stand in front of him but that it gave him an opportunity to be successful. He said next year he wants to get his first deer with a bow and arrow. I think he is hooked. Mission accomplished. :way:
Thats a great story and in my opinion thats how hunting should be. Nice job I would personally rather read that story then one about how somebody has taken pictures of a buck for two years and waited till he was the right age and then shot him. I guess thats what age and having kids will do to a guy:way:
Come one he's a star!!! They get all the breaks. O.J., Mike Vick, Paris they dont have to follow laws they are just for commoners like us.

I know a lot of guys on here will probably defend him, but this wasn't just a mistake. Anyone who consistently hunts another state (as he did in IL) knows the laws and he was just flat out breaking them. Trying to put the blame on someone else just further shows the guys arrogance. Our farmer puts out salt licks 20yds from our treestands all the time.:confused:
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Since MI was brought up again here, I'll have to post again. I came from up there. I was up there through most of the big TB issue. Hunt clubs were getting out of hand, with truck loads of food, treating deer like cattle, but there was more to the issue than that. TB has been there for as far back as anyone could remember. Old newspaper articles were written about it. N. MI, where the "crisis", supposedly started, has very little cattle farming. A few dairy herds. The larger issue was,,Too Many Deer,,like here in IA. When I first moved up there from Southern MI., there were few, and I mean few,,doe permits given out. I asked our local Biologist, every season why. He said his surveys told him, deer numbers were low. Suddenly TB was found rampant,,Tongue in Cheek,,. Next thing you knew,,lots of new regulations, and then, a doe a day, permits, for $3. Does and fawns were hanging everywhere. Those dang disease carrying critters. Now my pals there say you are hard pressed to find a deer. Farm bureau,,Happy. Insurance Companies, Happy. I asked the Biologist,,What happened to the low deer numbers? He told me,,it was not up to him.
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