Apparently he would take pictures from this site and post them up at I clicked on the link above and read a little and then jumped around on the pages. On page 7 of 46 you will see about midway down a shed frozen in ice. I remembered seeing that picture on the shed thread here. Its a picture Iowabowhunter1983 posted on page 2 of the shed thread here. So I am assuming he copied the pic and posted it up there as his. Unless of course Iowabowhunter1983 is Boonersville?
Here is what he said about it..... "Well this is a first. This shed is literally frozen into the ground. Tried hammer...nada. It is encased in ice. Its gonna be a few weeks before it can be picked up. Im going to have anxiety about critters chewing the tines off at the ground."’s-2019-2020-semi-live-hunting-thread.95194/page-7