Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bottomed out...

This morning in Fargo/Moorhead it was -28. plenty cold, but I did manage to get 6 driveways blown out before noon.

I'll be taking my display to the Dixie Deer Classic in about 6 weeks. Today I spoke with the shows manager and he told me this, "Bring a good jacket, it's only going to be in the 60's here".

We both had things to do, so I didnt want to comment and extend what was already a very long phone call, but it took all I had to bite my tongue on that one.
-40 here right now. Plowed snow most of yesterday evening. I'm being swallowed up by snow and cold...the deer, not sure where they are now.
That's -40 Celcius now.. Limb, -40 C is not -8 F. They cross over at -40 (both same). -8F....it hasn't been that warm for 6 weeks, and it hasn't been -40 C for the entire time.

Here's a link for a converter I always use.

When I talk temp on here, I talk F... just like I speak in terms of miles even though we don't use miles. The coldest air temp I've ever experienced was -53 Celicius, in Fahrenheit think that's -60 or something. Vehicles do not work properly when it gets down there. In the words of Saskatchewan author David Bouchard..
"If you're not from the prairie, you can't know my soul,
You don't know our blizzards, you've not fought our cold."

Personally, I love winter, I am always amazed by it's power. I guess my parents always taught me to respect it and be prepared for it. Some are not so observant, we've already had a few people here this winter freeze to death.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Most of the lakes have 25-30 inches of ice right now. It would be more but there is a lot of snow insulating them.</div></div>

My brother is running out of extension on his auger,...pushing 4 feet of ice. He's not complaining though, he's got a 40"+ pike each of his last two trips, though he now feels he may not be able to get onto the ice b/c of the am't of snow.
Im sure most of oyu have seen this ice auger video. But for those of you that havent this is worth watching.

Ice auger video

I really wish I could find some video of it, Breezy Point MN is the home of the "The Power Ice Auger World Championship".

I dont know what the records are down to. But a few years ago they were drilling 3 holes, back to back to back, 20inches of ice in less than 8 seconds.
Its definatly entertaining to watch.
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