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Bow Hunting Turkey's


New Member
This will be my first year hunting turkey's with a bow. I was wondering what your guys's set ups were. Do you use the same gear as you do for deer? Do you use different shafts/broadheads? Do you red uce your draw weight? Basically what do i need to be effective on a tom with my bow? There is always such great insight on this site and thank you in advance for all your input.

Most do turn their poundage down some and use big expandables which cause severe damage and aid in preventing pass throughs.Learning shot placement is very critical,broadside shots on strutting toms can be very tricky,because he's mostly feathers and air.I'm rather new at bowhunting them,with the majority of my hunting being done with the gun,because of numbers of hunters here,which makes it difficult.But there are others here with more expierence that could give you more advice.Check out Muddy's post above which will help also.
I only have one year of turkey hunting with a bow experience but I did nail down 2 birds last year. I was told to take out the hips. They can't run or they can't fly. A vital shot is a pretty small area and they could fly a heck of a long ways with a lung shot before they expire. I didn't change anything on my bow either. Just my 2 cents worth.
Ditto to what moose said. I shoot expendables for deer and made zero changes for turkey. One thing I did different than moose was I shot for the vitals. One of the birds I took flew a couple hundred yards before expiring. Get out and run them down after a good shot. I think this will help with recovery rate on turkeys. I think I'll reduce my poundage this spring to try and avoid the pass thru. If they run with your arrow in them it bounces off everything they pass by, they really help to finish the job. Good luck, and I highly recommend a blind for success.
I don't change anything either, and I use 3 blade muzzy fixed heads. A great angle is straight on. If you can get one coming straight at you and use where the beard comes out as your aiming point, you've got an excellent chance to break their back, and they won't go anywhere. Good luck!

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