Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bow "Roll Call"

2003 Bowtech Mighty Mite 29in, 64 lbs.
Cobra Sidewinder 5 pin sight
Scott Mongoose
GoldTip 55/75
Whisker Biscuit
Montec G5
NAP stabilizer
string leeches
loop and peep

Awesome bow, shoots great out to 60 yards.

2004 Bowtech Patriot VFT,29 in. 67 lbs.
Winners Choice sting and cable
Cobra Sidewinder
Whisker Biscuit
NAP stabilizer
Carbon Express 3D Select 300
Scott Mongoose
Montec G5 (but still expeimenting)
String leeches
Loop and Peep

Got to have a backup, hunting season (i.e. rut) is no time for equipment failure.

I shoot with friends shooting Bowtechs, Mathews, and Hoyt. All are quality bows. The Bowtechs just fit my style.
Martin Magnum Cougar III
Winners Choice cable/string
Trophy Ridge Matrix sight
Trophy Ridge Extender Stabilizer
Whisker Biscuit rest
Tru-Ball release
Gold Tip arrows
Muzzy 4 blade and Grime Reaper mechanicals
<font color="blue">iowawhitetail arrow wraps</font>
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