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bow season

Well fellows bow season opens this coming saturday here in kentucky, I been watchin a typical 12 point for bout a month now, think i got him patterned. Hopefully i get a shot the first afternoon, Not gona even attempt to go in there in the morning. He comes down a river bank and comes out into the bean field and theres no way to get in there in the mornings. Well good luck fellows when does season start in iowa?
So is a youth tag only good throgh Sep 17 - Oct 2 or is it good for the rest of the seasons?

I've been told its good for what ever season is going on is this true? Cant seem to find any info in the regs:( Not ready to call the CO yet.
I can't wait till Oct. 1. Ready to let the meat missels fly and watch the bucks drop!

I think missiles are illegal to use for deer. I'm not sure though. I have some WMD's in my basement that might be good to try this year. Do you worry about ruining the meat? :rolleyes:
dedgeez said:
I think missiles are illegal to use for deer. I'm not sure though. I have some WMD's in my basement that might be good to try this year. Do you worry about ruining the meat? :rolleyes:

I've got to go by the army surplus and pick up some RPG'S.
Cooter said:
So is a youth tag only good throgh Sep 17 - Oct 2 or is it good for the rest of the seasons?

I've been told its good for what ever season is going on is this true? Cant seem to find any info in the regs:( Not ready to call the CO yet.

I'm like 90% sure that you CANT do that. I believe a Youth tag is good for YOUTH ONLY. I'll ask at Bass Pro today when I get there. Maybe 6x6 knows? He hunts with his son.
From my understanding a youth tag is good until it is filled. Granted once the actual youth season is over you then have to use bow until shotgun season, then either bow again or late muzzleloader. I thought they changed that a few years ago, I could be wrong.
That is what I have been hearing also. Would be nice if a guy could find this info on the DNR web site.

I know the youth season spring turkey is only good for youth season. They have that info in the regs.
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