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Bow tuning?


New Member
Any suggestions on where to go in north central/northeast iowa to get my bow tuned? I shoot a mathews lx and live in Charles City if that helps.
No suggestions? I guess maybe it doesn't need all that much tuning. Made a 38 yd shot last night. I do think it is a little loud and I don't know enough about it (bought the bow used last winter) to know what to work on. Anyways, hoping someone could recommend somebody that knows WTH they are doing.
There is a Mathews guy in Osage... Zeke Odgen I believe?? I could be wrong with that..Im a hoyt guy, my bow goes to Lake Mills to John Carlson...otherwise no idea of anyone really around...Mason City has gizmos and gadgets, they are pretty good too...
DOR said:
what is wrong with it?

It seems like out of the corner of my eye the arrow comes out a little sideways....... I don't know if there is a term for that. It seems to shoot ok, but also seems to be louder than other bows I see.......
Dave at Double Lung Archery in La Porte city. I'd do it for you but it's the middle of the season and there's a tag burning a hole in my pocket.
It seems like out of the corner of my eye the arrow comes out a little sideways....... I don't know if there is a term for that. It seems to shoot ok, but also seems to be louder than other bows I see.......

Which Direction?
Have you shot through paper yet?
He might just be experiencing archer's paradox, the arrow bending against the force of the bow string upon release. Paper tuning only shows what an arrow is doing at a set distance, walk back and bare shaft tuning are more effective for real world tuning imho.
If you're hitting at 38, I wouldn't be too concerned. As far as loudness, there are lots of aftermarket string stops and silencers out there.
Thanks guys. I appreciate the info. I have not shot through paper, and as far as the other tuning techniques, I really don't have a clue about them. As it comes off the string, the noc and fletching end of the arrow seems to flare out to the left, but as I said I seem to shoot pretty good groups at 20 to 30 yds, and connected at 38 on my biggest buck to date. The ability to shoot relatively accurately made me wonder if I was seeing things, or if something was off enough to need to be fixed.

For loudness dampening, I am hoping that whoever I can get to take a look at it can accurately give me some good suggestions, before I drop the dough on something I "think" may help.

Thanks again guys! I really appreciate it.
Check for arrow contact first. Spray some foot powder or lipstick on the arrow and see if there is any transfer. If not then go to paper, walkback and broadhead tuning.
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