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Bowhunter mistaken for turkey, dies


Life Member
Published September 28, 2004

Bowhunter mistaken for turkey, dies
Ammon D. Cerda of Independence was shot with an arrow while hunting near Laurie.

By Mike Penprase

An Independence man taking part in the bowhunting season for deer and turkey died Saturday after being mistaken for a turkey by a hunting companion, the Missouri Department of Conservation indicated Monday.
Ammon D. Cerda, 52, died Saturday evening in Lake Regional Hospital at Osage Beach. He was flown there by medical helicopter from a hunting site near Laurie, said Darrell Walden, Department of Conservation district supervisor of protection.

Laurie is near the north shore of Lake of the Ozarks, about 75 miles northeast of Springfield.

Hit by an arrow around dusk, Cerda was given CPR for about 15 minutes before the helicopter arrived, Walden said.

"At this time, it appears Ammon was mistaken for a wild turkey," Walden said. "He was wearing leafy camouflage and he was in a crouched position."

Cerda's hunting companion was not identified.

Hunting incidents that result in death or injury during bowhunting season usually involve a hunter falling from a tree stand or falling on an arrow, not being struck by an arrow released by another hunter, Walden said.

"To have someone killed by another archer, particularly in a mistaken-for-game type of accident, is incredibly rare," department spokesman Jim Low said.

Walden said he is completing a report for the Camden County Sheriff's Department.

Sheriff's Capt. Gary Bowling said Monday that the incident remains under investigation.

Along with the possibility of the report going to the county prosecutor, it will go to the Conservation Department's Hunting Incident Review Committee, which can take action to suspend or revoke a hunting license if negligence is involved, Walden said.

Saturday's incident illustrates the need for people who take part in the hunt, which lasts until Nov. 12, to exercise even more caution than they use during later fall hunting seasons, Walden said.

Because leaves remain on trees, and brush and obscure hunters' vision, it's even more important to positively identify a hunting target, he said.


Sounds to me like there's more to this story.
That's a bad deal.Would'nt you think that "Everyone" would make sure of their target before shooting.
that is why we need bowhunters saftey classes because of bozos like that who can afford to by a bow but can't afford common sense
VERY unfortunate. unfortunate that this is only the begining of the upcoming season, everyone keep their heads screwed on right and out of certain bodily orafices.
Unbeilevable, I feel sorry for everyone that was affected by this senseless mistake, It just really blows my mined when I read this kind of lititure, for someone just out for the kill and not knowing exactly what he/she is aiming at or whats behind the target. We all learned this when we took hunter safty bow or gun, I feel really sorry for the family with such a senseless act. Rack, your right, theres gotta be more to the story, keep us updated.
this crap happens every year somewhere. no class is going to educate these a&&holes. if a person can't see clearly that they are shooting a deer/turkey, before the pull the trigger, they are too stupid to own a weapon. why would you ever pull the trigger on a freakin bush? unless this guy had a t-shirt with the picture of a turkey on it....toss him in jail
It mentioned they knew each other, maybe there was motive. Awful strange for someone to be shot with archery equipement, no doubt they're looking at.
I fully agree with t-roy. There has to be more to the story than is being told. Just goes to show you that stupid people are everywhere!!!!!
Sad for sure. Sounds kinda fishy to me. How many times have you heard about someone getting shot with a arrow because they were mistaken for game? I just can't see how that could happen.
not being a bow hunter and only knowing what bow hunters post here, i find unbelievable that some is shot with a bow and arrow?? what i read bow shots are in the 30 yd range, how in the h*ll can you mistake a man for a turkey or deer at 30 yds, if the brush is that bad why shoot??!! i my opinion there is no "accidents" in hunting, only foolish hunters, i was always told many times as a young man that "look beyond the target" whats there?? never shoot at something you can't indentify my prayers go out to these two hunters and thier familes
Remember the guy that got stuck in the head with a broadhead? Pictures were somewhere but I can't seem to remember???

Very unfortunate!

I always wonder how stuff like that happens, and I will never know the answer. I guess there are things we can learn from incidences like this, and that is to treat every hunter as if he were loaded, just like a gun. I hunt a place that is pretty much public that has very man rules. One rule is no matter what you are doing, you have to wear blaze orange to your tree or blind, whenever you are out walking in the timber you must wear blaze orange. Now I know that many bowhunters would find this rule very annoying, but I tell you what if that guys buddy was wearing a blaze orange vest would he still be dead? that we will never know, but this fall I plan on hunting primarily public lands and I do not know who is gonna be out there or what skill level they are at, but that rule that i have practiced many years hunting the one spot, im still gonna preach, whenever Im gonna be out bowhunting this fall, im always gonna wear blaze orange, to and from my tree. I would reccommend this to anyone hunting public land, it may be a nuisance to you, but so would a broadhead anywere in your body, everyone be safe out there this year and treat every hunter as if he were loaded
I don't care if the guy was fully cammoed out,still doesn't look anything like a turkey.Got a feeling your gonna see a twist in this story.What a BONEHEAD!!!!
no kidding, how could a fully grown man appear to be a turkey to a fellow hunter, unless maybe, oh well i'm not even going to say it, the guy died, that's sad, but geez the other guy should've known better
I don't know what to say....there is no excuse for the incident. With a gun it is an unacceptable accident...with a bow it almost seems like intent to kill known subject. I am sure the hunter feels bad as he should but if it was truly a carelass mistake, you know he is on suicide watch.
i'm with petrbuilt on this one. when a target is within bow range you should certainly be able to tell what your target is. if it's too brushy, don't shoot, wait for a better shot. besides leafy wear doesn't even resemble a turkey, even if he is in full strut! my prayers go out to the family of the deceased hunter.
Pupster, Here are the pics you are talking about. He'd better be thankful that it wasn't a Muzzy!

These pictures are a bit on the disturbing side. All you kiddies under 18 better go get your Mom or Dad before scrolling down.
You had your chance. Here it comes!




Holly sh*%$t!!!!! you know, after studying this guys head it kind of looks like the red head of a gobbler.

Man, that had to hurt! I don't want to hear about anyone on this site ever getting injured - so let's remember to keep it safe every time we are in the outdoors
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