Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bowhunters are SELFISH!

Hopefully the truth about his agenda will come out soon enough.

I prefer to ignore ignorance.
Holy Smokes!!!
look at the things i miss in a couple days.....
well, i wont beat a dead horse here, but come-on....."Bow-hunters are the most selfish of all hunters"??????
my circle of frieds that bow hunt, take tons of does, and at the drop of a hat will be availiable to help drag a deer out or share knowledge, or what ever it takes to help other passionate bowhunters succeed.....

rather than bashing fellow hunters, educate your ignorant self and learn the reality of what you are talking about.

this is a fantastic website, full of knowledgeable and passionate bow and gun hunters. all here with the same purpose. sharing the love for the outdoors.......

there is no need for this type of discussion......
Why is this guy still allowed to post?
Because ultimately it pulls us closer together and with a post such as the "lowest common denominator". It helps us realize why we are so passionate about what we cherish about hunting and hunting in Iowa. I wasn't going to justify any of this with a response but I felt inclined to do so after JETHRO's to the point post.

We have a good thing going here in Iowa what some fail to realize is it goes beyond the pocketbook and is woven in to the fabric we use to create what we love about the outdoors in general. It is truly unfortunate that there is the perception that residents do not like non-residents or we are not fair. It is simply not true but may be attributed to the fact that most of the people doing the complaining are used to receiving instant gratification. I don't go to a state and tell them they aren't doing things right with their wildlife, tax system or political affiliation. In turn it gets to me a little when individuals feel that way about Iowa. But, it is only natural to want what is perceived as better quality than one has and some will go to any means to attain it. It's human nature. I wouldn't take any of this as a personal assault rather make sure that your IBA membership is up to date and when Randy informs you of an issue, look it over and whether you agree or disagree, contact the people in your district and let them know how you feel. No matter how loud people scream it will fall on deaf ears unless they can cast a ballot during an election.

Everyone is brought up with different beliefs and values. No matter how loud you yell into the back of that monitor and how much you stew over posts and threads you need to remember what you have control over and what you don't. A much happier life will follow grasshoppa.
It's me again... this is fun!

Now for the last item that has been a thorn in my side...

I grew up in Humboldt County & started deer hunting at the age of 9 (1974) with my dad & his group of shotgun-deer hunters.

We hunted long & hard each day, but we seldom killed anything. Those days everyone was issued a buck-only tag except for the lucky few who drew a coveted any-sex tag (my how times have changed!).

Now, 33 years later I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to hunt white-tailed deer across 7 different states by every legal means available.

What have I learned from all of this deer hunting? Lot's of things of course, but one thing that is disturbing...

Bowhunters are the most selfish of all deer hunters. And Iowa's shotgun-deer hunters are the least selfish of any group of hunters I have ever deer hunted with. They are more willing to help you drag out your deer and rotate out to become a "driver" instead of a "blocker" during a deer drive than any bowhunter I have ever met. Not to mention that shotgun-deer hunters share buck tags!

Instead of badmouthing Iowa's "silent majority," I think Iowa's bowhunters owe them an apology. Iowa's shotgun hunters harvest the BULK of the does that are killed in our state each year, while Iowa's bowhunters CONTINUE to harvest more bucks than does!


[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like someones Daddy didn't kiss them when they were little???
It's me again... this is fun!

Bowhunters are the most selfish of all deer hunters. And Iowa's shotgun-deer hunters are the least selfish of any group of hunters I have ever deer hunted with.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am on this site at least every couple of days and I can't recall ever seeing a poorer set of posts from an individual.

I find it absolutely amazing that he can describe making annoying and offensive posts "fun", and further on in same post describe an entire segment of the hunting community as "selfish".

I guess that is because we don't want to give him a buck tag, drag his deer out for him, and set tags at such an inflated price that only outfitters and the Highest common denominators can afford them. Is Iowa to be his eighth state or is he going on tour again?

Keep the faith guys. Here in Illinois I think we are on the downward slope with another 20,000 archery tags available to nonresidents this year and outfitters tying up more ground with the States blessings.

Someone needs to give this guy a cat.
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